Earth hour
The earth needs that each of us must do its part in combating climate change, but also needs a serious stance on the part of governments. Only then can
Atturo groped for global action to avoid worsening a process now underway.
Among 100 days will be held on the Copenhagen summit, which will attempt to find a new global climate agreement, not missing so much time and you need the message to be disseminated as possible so that the public can be heard its voce e influire si spera in questo modo con le decisioni da prendere.
Sul sito Earth hour è possibile manifestare il proprio supporto.
Articolo completo
Meno di 100 giorni all'accordo sul clima
Monday, September 28, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
How Long Keep Opened Relaxer
Attenzione all'ambiente e lavaggio di coscienza
Ho appena letto l' articolo online sul risparmio energetico pubblicato su Terra Nuova del 15/09/2009 e sono rimasta un poco perplessa su come viene sminuito l'impegno di chi cerca anche nel suo piccolo di dare un contributo al risparmio energetico.
Io sono convinta che il mare sia fatto di tante gocce e di conseguenza dare il proprio contributo, nella maniera in cui lo si ritiene opportuno, è sempre meglio del fare nulla. Tuttavia leggendo questo articolo sembra che il popolo piuttosto ampio di persone che non può permettersi o semplicemente proprio non può fare interventi alle proprie abitazioni, per renderle ecoefficienti, sbagli completamente o peggio voglia lavarsi la coscienza, cercando nel proprio piccolo di scegliere in maniera accurata gli elettrodomestici o le lampadine.
Perchè mi infastidisce questo discorso?
Semplice: perchè faccio parte di quella categoria di persone che fa quel che può, che ha letto diversi libri sull'ambiente, sul risparmio energetico, sull'alimentazione e che cerca di mantenersi aggiornata e mi dispiace che si parli di lavaggio di coscienza in riferimento a tutte quelle persone che hanno potuto SOLO cambiare le lampadine della propria house, buy a washing machine and put class A + +-reducing flow to taps.
I could only do this.
I live with my husband to rent an apartment of 60 square meters, we have no authority over decisions regarding communal heating, insulation and all the rest.
Our building is heated by heating oil, we do not have individual accounts and if we would certainly be better, we would even save money because we spend almost all winter with the heaters indoors.
Our apartment for its location in the building is too hot, so that you often open the windows closed despite termosifono: waste? Sure, but I have to breathe.
Intervening buildings and installations is logically the best solution, but we must consider the realities of the people, even if we were the owners of our house would probably not feasible interventions on the building for reasons of cost and unanimity of purpose of the condominiums.
not forget that in a building you are in for a lot less disagreement, however, as is well known the solution of the building is still more efficient than live in a detached house, the footprint is in fact lower.
Fortunately in the article admits that every contribution for the good cause is commendable, but it diminishes and the pessimism with which he approaches the topic is likely to scoraggiare quei pochi che semplicemente non possono permettersi interventi radicali e di sicuro non hanno intenzione di lavarsi la coscienza.
Si usano spesso le stesse parole di accusa verso chi devolve donazioni verso associazioni benefiche, per esempio che si occupano di progetti nei paesi del terzo mondo, oppure altre cause...lavarsi la coscienza...non mi scende giù questa frase...non tutti vogliamo o possiamo diventare volontari nel terzo mondo e non sono nemmeno sicura che questa sarebbe la soluzione.
Fine della polemica, spero di non aver esagerato :-)
Ho appena letto l' articolo online sul risparmio energetico pubblicato su Terra Nuova del 15/09/2009 e sono rimasta un poco perplessa su come viene sminuito l'impegno di chi cerca anche nel suo piccolo di dare un contributo al risparmio energetico.
Io sono convinta che il mare sia fatto di tante gocce e di conseguenza dare il proprio contributo, nella maniera in cui lo si ritiene opportuno, è sempre meglio del fare nulla. Tuttavia leggendo questo articolo sembra che il popolo piuttosto ampio di persone che non può permettersi o semplicemente proprio non può fare interventi alle proprie abitazioni, per renderle ecoefficienti, sbagli completamente o peggio voglia lavarsi la coscienza, cercando nel proprio piccolo di scegliere in maniera accurata gli elettrodomestici o le lampadine.
Perchè mi infastidisce questo discorso?
Semplice: perchè faccio parte di quella categoria di persone che fa quel che può, che ha letto diversi libri sull'ambiente, sul risparmio energetico, sull'alimentazione e che cerca di mantenersi aggiornata e mi dispiace che si parli di lavaggio di coscienza in riferimento a tutte quelle persone che hanno potuto SOLO cambiare le lampadine della propria house, buy a washing machine and put class A + +-reducing flow to taps.
I could only do this.
I live with my husband to rent an apartment of 60 square meters, we have no authority over decisions regarding communal heating, insulation and all the rest.
Our building is heated by heating oil, we do not have individual accounts and if we would certainly be better, we would even save money because we spend almost all winter with the heaters indoors.
Our apartment for its location in the building is too hot, so that you often open the windows closed despite termosifono: waste? Sure, but I have to breathe.
Intervening buildings and installations is logically the best solution, but we must consider the realities of the people, even if we were the owners of our house would probably not feasible interventions on the building for reasons of cost and unanimity of purpose of the condominiums.
not forget that in a building you are in for a lot less disagreement, however, as is well known the solution of the building is still more efficient than live in a detached house, the footprint is in fact lower.
Fortunately in the article admits that every contribution for the good cause is commendable, but it diminishes and the pessimism with which he approaches the topic is likely to scoraggiare quei pochi che semplicemente non possono permettersi interventi radicali e di sicuro non hanno intenzione di lavarsi la coscienza.
Si usano spesso le stesse parole di accusa verso chi devolve donazioni verso associazioni benefiche, per esempio che si occupano di progetti nei paesi del terzo mondo, oppure altre cause...lavarsi la coscienza...non mi scende giù questa frase...non tutti vogliamo o possiamo diventare volontari nel terzo mondo e non sono nemmeno sicura che questa sarebbe la soluzione.
Fine della polemica, spero di non aver esagerato :-)
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Argentine Food Edinburgh
Museo A come Ambiente
Entro la fine di questo anno, finchè avrò ancora l'abbonamento ai musei piemontesi vorrei tentare di visitare il museo torinese dedicato Ecology: A come Ambiente
The site I like, activities and exhibitions seem interesting, it would be worthwhile to organize a visit with children who already have it.
The museum is open weekends for individual visits, and during the week is reserved for schools.
You can also run the virtual tour, I must try!
am a long time interest in this type of communication, I am interested in science and the environment.
I experienced firsthand the work of guide / entertainer in a show directed its scientific education of children and young people, to arouse their curiosity and interest in mathematics, physics and chemistry.
I got to handle groups of all ages from 6 years up to 18, work was fun, interesting and has tested my patience, which I found to have ...
consider the direct experiences are very important in learning and certainly complementary to a book, children spend too much time sitting imagine phenomena that often are not part of their everyday life and also what it is, without a guide, remains unexplained.
The task of this type of experience is to show the reality of numbers, chemical reactions and physical phenomena, and above all fun.
I would point out that the museum is looking for staff, the selections are open to boys between 20 and 30 graduates of not more than a year.
Selection interviews will be held until September 21, I'm sorry for the delay in reporting, but I read just today! The lucky
attend a training course to become guides, the museum celebrates 5 years in 2009 to open, I wonder if 4 years ago at the end of my studies there was a possibility of this route, one thing is sure: I do not I knew.
The work took me elsewhere and in other area and age is now past, the bell has sounded the enta, but reading this news gives me hope.
I was convinced that come to work in a museum was much more complex.
further inform that for Turin at the museum is available fizzy fountain, or the first water point SMAT in Turin, where you can fill bottles of sparkling water from 1.5 to the cost of 5 cents, while the smooth water is free.
fizzy fountain Hours:
- every weekday from 9 to 18
- Saturday, Sunday and holidays from 14.30 to 19.30
soon in all
I hope my visit will tell you soon!
Entro la fine di questo anno, finchè avrò ancora l'abbonamento ai musei piemontesi vorrei tentare di visitare il museo torinese dedicato Ecology: A come Ambiente
The site I like, activities and exhibitions seem interesting, it would be worthwhile to organize a visit with children who already have it.
The museum is open weekends for individual visits, and during the week is reserved for schools.
You can also run the virtual tour, I must try!
am a long time interest in this type of communication, I am interested in science and the environment.
I experienced firsthand the work of guide / entertainer in a show directed its scientific education of children and young people, to arouse their curiosity and interest in mathematics, physics and chemistry.
I got to handle groups of all ages from 6 years up to 18, work was fun, interesting and has tested my patience, which I found to have ...
consider the direct experiences are very important in learning and certainly complementary to a book, children spend too much time sitting imagine phenomena that often are not part of their everyday life and also what it is, without a guide, remains unexplained.
The task of this type of experience is to show the reality of numbers, chemical reactions and physical phenomena, and above all fun.
I would point out that the museum is looking for staff, the selections are open to boys between 20 and 30 graduates of not more than a year.
Selection interviews will be held until September 21, I'm sorry for the delay in reporting, but I read just today! The lucky
attend a training course to become guides, the museum celebrates 5 years in 2009 to open, I wonder if 4 years ago at the end of my studies there was a possibility of this route, one thing is sure: I do not I knew.
The work took me elsewhere and in other area and age is now past, the bell has sounded the enta, but reading this news gives me hope.
I was convinced that come to work in a museum was much more complex.
further inform that for Turin at the museum is available fizzy fountain, or the first water point SMAT in Turin, where you can fill bottles of sparkling water from 1.5 to the cost of 5 cents, while the smooth water is free.
fizzy fountain Hours:
- every weekday from 9 to 18
- Saturday, Sunday and holidays from 14.30 to 19.30
soon in all
I hope my visit will tell you soon!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Toothpick Truss Bridge Blueprint

Recent months have brought many innovations to be lived with enthusiasm, we enjoyed the holidays, the summer and then we started to make plans for the future, something will be realized, the changes are now under way, but calmly tell.
meantime I'm enjoying the early autumn after a summer very hot, but at least real estate!
I only regret that he saw little of the sea, but I have good reason to believe that I can make my next year.
The latest news in my life slowly are giving me a lot of enthusiasm and new prospects, the expected long
:-) Meanwhile, I write this post as a reminder that September 12 was the International Day without plastic bags and advertise the initiatives of the site Take Sporta .
On the site you can find many good reasons to avoid plastic bags, so as to refresh his memory or discover new ones, there are also some instructions for creating some of their own cloth bags and lots of materials to help spread the message while waiting for the plastic bags are permanently banned as it was for incandescent lamps.
I like the autumn colors, red, orange falling leaves, the change, the smell of rain :-))
I could not live in the same season!
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