a couple of days I put on the right-hand column of the blog a banner to advertise an important virtual march against vivisection, in place for some time now and we can all participate easily through this site .
enormous progress has been made in all this time, it is therefore necessary that the Directive is amended, is CONSET for greater protection of animals, unfortunately, is the subject of experimentation to achieve the ultimate goal of replacing the animals with more modern methods , less bloody, and certainly more reliable for the human population.
To contribute to the event is sufficient to register the site, declaring support for the cause of the revision of Directive 86/609/EEC and create your own character who will march virtually.
On the site you can find information about why vivisection is not necessary, legislation and updates on the campaign.
I think the information is important, many do not know that testing is not necessary, indeed it is often wasteful, not only for animals of course, but also for men.
to act now on the site you can find the banner to advertise the event and ovvimente a lot of information about why you oppose the Vivisection: HERE '
Update: For those who do not know tomorrow is the last day to contribute to the campaign-the ENPA national animal protection organization devoted to the creation of shelters for animals that have undergone testing for who wants to can send an SMS to number 48585 to make a contribution.
The campaign was initiated during the Day of the Animals held on October 3 and 4: site of 'ENPA
The event is promoted by certain interest groups to fight vivisection and animal protection and has as its aim the revision of Directive 86/609/EEC for the protection of animals used username to experiment now 20 years old.
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