Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How To Replenish Dehydrated Body

Satelliti per i diritti umani

Green Team at the Award ceremony of the Environment Euregio
A day of celebration on December 22 last year.
The Green Team, a group of 20 students and 4 teachers Liceo Bertrand Russell, Cles (TN), won the Environment Award
201 0. The group presented the draft
à continuity of the International Conference Let's take care of the planet ( CONFINT ), which provides concrete action on climate change through the Ação Educomunicação and raft association.
' educomunicazione mediaeducation and the school and territory. The initiatives are implemented with the support of non-profit organization Vir

EUREGIO Environment Prize is a competition notice on Environment and Sustainability in the Tyrol, Alto Adige and Trentino. The aim is to raise awareness and motivate an active environmental protection and also to encourage innovation in the environmental sector. The award allows companies, clubs and schools to submit innovative projects developed and offers private individuals the opportunity to propose idee per concretizzare misure di tutela ambientale. All'edizione 2010 sono stati presentati 87 progetti e idee: 18 in Tirolo, 40 in Alto Adige e 29 in Trentino. La Conferenza Internazionale
 è stata organizzata dal governo del Brasile con il patrocinio internazionale dell'UNESCO e dell'UNICEF a conclusione dei percorsi locali e nazionali realizzati in ciascuno dei paesi partecipanti.
Alla Conferenza hanno preso parte i giovani delegati, alunni delle scuole secondarie di I e II grado, selezionati da ciascun paese, including Italy, which were compared with each of the different cards based on the analysis of national responsibility that each country had developed.

The aim was to define the contents of an International Bill of Responsibilities to be promoted by each delegate in his own country for safeguarding and protecting the environment. The Conference was attended by over 500 Brazilian youth aged 12 to 15 years from 47 countries from all continents.

In Italy, the first phase of CONFINT was coordinated by the Pathways to Peace NGO, sponsored by the National Research Council (CNR), the Association Italiana di Educazione  ai Media e alla Comunicazione ( MED ), dell'Istituto degli Innocenti e con l'appoggio del Fondo delle Nazioni Unite per l'Infanzia ( UNICEF ), l'Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite per l'Educazione, la Scienza e la Cultura (UNESCO), le Associazioni Jangada , Energoclub e Viração Educomunicação ONLUS.


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