Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Most Common Numbers In Roulette

RomeCup 2011: La robotica nella scuola

Dalla robotica educativa alla robotica di servizio. Gare, workshop, area dimostrativa e laboratori tra i principali eventi di questa la quinta edizione della RomeCup , Trofeo Internazionale Città di Roma di Robotica, che si tiene dal 14 al 16 marzo, a Roma.

Promossa dalla Fondazione Mondo Digitale , l'incontro quest’anno amplierà la tradizionale formula dei tre eventi in uno (gare, area dimostrativa e convegno) con importanti novità: laboratori didattici per le scuole di diverso ordine e grado, che coinvolgeranno in due giorni oltre 2.000 studenti, workshop per docenti e un appuntamento istituzionale per la sigla del primo accordo di rete che lancia una strategia nazionale di lungo termine per la robotica educativa.

Nel 16 marzo, nella Sala della Protomoteca, Campidoglio, si terranno la tavola rotonda “La robotica tra presente e futuro: visione e roadmap di lungo respiro per l’Italia” (ore 10.00) e la firma del Protocollo d’intesa inter-istituzionale sulla robotica educativa, fasi finali delle competizioni e cerimonia di premiazione delle squadre vincitrici (ore 12.30).

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Southbeach Phase 1 Protein Bars

La Tierra le Reclama a Japón

La pasada cumbre de Cancún sobre el Cambio Climático, fue testigo de una de las posiciones mas férreas y tenaces, para que no se llegara a ningún acuerdo, sobre acciones en conjunto, que con urgencia se requieren realizar, para disminuir las perturbaciones que la raza humana le hace a la atmosfera. Nunca, alguna delegación había sido tan visible, como la de Japón. Sus tácticas dilatorias perturbaron hasta el final, y ayudaron “muchísimo” a que una vez mas no hubiera consenso para una sabia acción en defensa del planeta. Conducta reiterativa, en las distintas Cumbres realizadas en el pasado.
Esta orientación del gobierno Nipón, se sustenta in the quasi-official version of the scientific community linked to the governing elites, who manage the thesis which denies climate change is due to human action, and argue for it, that the temperature measurement data used to support the approach to global warming are remarkably low and points also to the trend of Earth's warming in the second half of XX S finished. Also, ridicule the "show" of environmentalists who point to greenhouse gases caused by human action as the cause of the changes in climate.
For the Japanese government simply warming global is "a hypothesis unlikely." Described as extremely immature climate models used in predictions catastrofísticas predict sharp increases in global temperature or the melting of Greenland or Antarctica. And no doubt on climate science compare with the "ancient astrology" or also known as' the neo astrology. "
The argument was that they were convinced that "no great disaster." Some scientists and environmentalists in the West have used historical data to deny that the current temperatures can be considered a historical anomaly. And supposedly giving the range of facts which are nothing more than to prove scientific hypotheses. Also, reiterate, it is not so certain that we will witness major catastrophes in the different continents. And almost in unison, the Japanese expressed the position that: "Before many realize these hypotheses (the Climate Change) are replaced by the truth", therefore "we must discard the opinions will argue that new contingencies in the world. " Indeed, a scientific truth that only they know.
In that same vein, "from its very convenient plus science", the Japanese government supports the indiscriminate hunting whaling, arguing that this is done for "scientific" studies. A scientific study (which never ends) and supports the killing of hundreds of these helpless animals annually, with whaling ships.
. Japan Today
, lives, the consequences of the fifth strongest earthquake that has occurred so far in the world. And more than 150 smaller earthquakes and simultaneous reply. Devastation that it will take years to calculate their consequences.
Maybe it is time that Japan's government, its scientists and diplomats, begin to look, what they have called the "ancient astrology." Y working with other countries and communities that wish to stop the excesses of the Club of polluters.