Today, at 18 hours in 25 Italian cities thousands of children Younicef \u200b\u200b, the movement of young volunteers Unicef, "invade" the squares to make their voices heard in a new way to launch the campaign of recruiting volunteers for 2011. They try to raise awareness around the issues of child rights and adolescence through a flash mob. The avvevano already tried it before and successfully preview of Sanremo (during the days of the Song Festival).
Through this flash mob March 5 Younicef \u200b\u200bthe boys will be ideally close to their peers in North Africa, particularly Libya, in this dramatic moment for their country.
"While I'm talking about, 22,000 children die around the world. 22,000. Like every day. They are the outcasts, the forgotten, the latest among the last. Poverty and discrimination can be defeated. Each of us can do something to stop it. Just a little 'of their time. We must dare di più, dobbiamo essere di più. Dobbiamo tutti insieme “ESSERE UNICEF”. Unisciti a noi. Diventa volontario. Visita il sito www.unicef.it . Perché bambini più uguali è giusto e possibile” questo l’appello del Presidente dell’UNICEF Italia Vincenzo Spadafora per lanciare la campagna di reclutamento dei volontari per il 2011.
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