11 years is the average age at which you learn to use computers, 93.3% of Trentino has a connection that uses regular, 6 out of 10 kids use Internet to exchange messages and keep in touch with friends.
These are just some of the many findings from research on digital natives "(the generation born and raised in the era of the PC) created by Silvia Gherardi and Manuela Perrotta ; University of Trento in Project LiveMemories coordinated by Fondazione Bruno Kessler and filed on Feb. 25 at the Auditorium of the Centro Servizi Culturali S. Chiara.
objective of the research - which involved 852 students between 15 and 19 years from high schools, technical and vocational schools and Vocational Training Centres of Trentino - was to investigate lifestyles and habits of young people born and raised in the digital age, compared with the use Internet and social networks.
Among their main interests resta in testa l'incontrare amici e conoscenti (78,1%) seguita dalla passione per la musica (70,5%) e, solo al terzo posto, dal navigare sul web ( 57,2%), attività solitaria (quasi 8 su 10 lo fanno da soli) che viene però svolta principalmente per socializzare, tenersi in contatto, condividere immagini, musica, filmati e darsi appuntamenti con gli amici.
Social network per eccellenza: Facebook, che vede iscritti 8 ragazzi su 10, mentre sono praticamente sconosciuti tutti gli altri. All'ultima domanda su quello che vorrebbero caricare su un sito web visitabile solo nel 2050 come ricordo per il futuro, i ragazzi hanno risposto: la musica (65,4%), immediately followed by pictures taken by itself (64%) and then by film (41.3%), images taken by others (39.1%) as their notes and texts and stories (30.5%).
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