I made this pie during the week, it is not a traditional sweet, but my attempt to revisit the classic cake with butter and eggs.
Since I discovered the fact I work mainly vegetarian food to invent desserts that do not have all of the classic ingredients, as if to prove to myself and others that otherwise you can.
All you need is a little imagination and flexibility and as many times as you try to innovate, it takes some patience to achieve a satisfactory result, but for me it's worth it.
I like to invent and I think may be useful in a world that is often hard, especially in the kitchen!
I think it's right that there is more variety of foods to meet the tastes of all, for a healthy diet and to put at ease those who by choice or by necessity to avoid certain ingredients.
Everyone regardless of power following is nost certainly benefit in broadening the horizons to new ingredients.
would be nice to be a necessity felt by all, but people are divided into those who are willing to change and who is unfortunately routine.
Not to mention the lack of variety offered by bars and restaurants, a problem not just for those who usually consumed away from home at least 5 meals per week.
I did I often costs little variety, little taste, little choice and know the great difficulties encountered by those who are allergic or intolerant to avoid ingredients sometimes hidden.
Some might answer that "most wins", probably, the known and often do not like.
I believe in sharing and I am convinced that the real success stories are those that mediate between the needs of all.
I do not like the separate plate, non mi piace vedere che persone con intolleranze o allergie sono messe a disagio dall'offerta carente di prodotti adatti "perchè la richiesta è poca".
Come non mi piace che i tentativi di seguire un alimentazione vegetariana e bilanciata siano a volte vanificati da un'offerta scadente di pietanze.
Sono convinta che la diversità sia un arricchimento e un'opportunità per tutti, non abbiamo per esempio necessità di utilizzare sempre ingredienti come latte, uova, grano o qualunque altro cereale contenente glutine, abbiamo però la necessità di nutrirci bene e di variare il più possibile la nostra alimentazione.
Questo rimane comunque un blog veg* ovvero vegetariano in tutte le sue forme, vorrei però introdurre da ora in poi nuove etichette per le ricette proposte, in modo che sia più facile orientarsi, cucina veg* infatti è troppo generico.
La crostata alla nocciola che ho preparato rientra nella categoria del "senza latte e senza uova" ma contiene miele, non è quindi vegan.
Oltre alla mia passione per la cucina veg* vorrei dare spazio anche a quella senza glutine, pur non essendo celiaca, per le stesse ragioni già esposte.
E dopo tanto parlare, sperando di non aver annoiato, riporto la ricetta della crostata...
Crostata alla nocciola con marmellata di fichi
300 g di farina di grano tenero 00
100 g di farina di riso + mais
150 g di crema di nocciole tostate
150 g di miele
marmellata (di fichi)
1 limone
1 bicchierino di liquore
malto d'orzo
1 bustina di lievito per dolci
zucchero a velo
olio e.v. di oliva
L'uso di diversi tipi di farine è opzionale e deriva da una mia esigenza di terminare alcune confezioni aperte da tempo, tuttavia spesso permette di ottenere risultati piacevoli...
La crema di nocciole è una pasta di nocciole reperibile nei negozi biologici, contiene solamente nocciole tostate, nessun altro ingrediente (vedi quì - selezionare lalettera C and look for the savory spreads, nb this cream actually contains no salt, so I write only to distinguish them from the sweet ones).
recently gave us a lot of honey, because I use it alone, I decided to try it in desserts.
I find very good mix of hazelnuts and honey, dough I added a few teaspoons of barley malt aroma, I preferred not to use it as a sweetened only because it would not be enough, at least the brand I used. I will try in the future with rice malt that many consider the most sweet, maybe just alone.
The fig jam was homemade by my mother-in-law, are grown with fig jam tarts, my grandmother was the only way.
Prepare pastry:
I mixed the flour, baking powder, grated rind of one lemon and a couple of teaspoons of liqueur.
I added the cream of hazelnuts and honey at room temperature, both were pretty solid, and then a few tablespoons of barley malt and I started to mix with your hands, the dough was very dry at first so I preferred to add a few blades of extra virgin olive oil, which in my opinion does not affect the taste of a sweet, at least what we use.
I happened instead of other oils plants, such as sunflower and corn organic, very aromatic, too.
If the mixture turns out too dry you can add a little water, I have done so.
The resulting mixture contains small nuggets of hazelnut scattered here and there, this will not dissolve completely even in the oven as you can see from the photo at the beginning of the post.
I stretched the dough, covered with a thin layer of jam and prepared the classic strips of pie, then I baked at 175 ° for 1 / 2 hour.
I used the oven and the time is indicative, usually do not take it so PREGIS, preferisco fare a occhio e "pungere".
Una volta cotta l'ho spolverata di zucchero a velo e voilà!
A noi è piaciuta molto, chi preferisce non usare il miele può tranquillamente usare lo zucchero
secondo me, oppure sperimentare con il malto, io ci proverò in futuro con quello di riso!
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