Con mia grande gioia e soddisfazione l'associazione per un mondonuovo e la circoscrizione IV del comune di Torino hanno organizzato nel periodo febbraio - giugno 2009 il corso "Quartiere sostenibile" aperto a tutti i cittadini interessati a stili di vita ecosostenibili e solidali.
Lo dico I attend now!
The course is free and open to all, giving priority to residents in the locality, we start from 11th February and the meetings are the evening.
Last week I wrote to the association for information and luckily there were still vacancies.
The course is divided in 6 games, 4 of them are dedicated to following issues: Water-
: reduced waste, choice of public water-
Energy: reducing energy consumption and renewable-
to waste reduction, collection waste, disposal
-Consumer: environmental and social sustainability of consumer products
The remaining two meetings are dedicated to comparison between participants, to understand how to practice daily in a sustainable way of life and how to become a spokesman for the change.
For more information, visit the association: Association for
Meeting Calendar
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