Italian recipe to cook Braised Orange
Un altra meravigliosa ricetta di cucina offerta ancora dal nostro blog ricetta-cucina-italiana per preparare uno sfiziosissimo secondo di carne da servire a tavola, a pranzo o cena anche in queste feste natalizia.
Con un coltello ben affilato praticate sulla carne tanti tagli profondi e infilateli lo speck, dopo averlo ridotto a bastoncini.
Mettete la carne in una Terina, sprinkle with the orange and lemon juice, stir and let stand for 24 hours. So
Heat the oil in saucepan over medium heat for 1 minuto.Unite the drained meat and cook for 10 minutes.
Meanwhile, peel the onion, wash and cut into cubes. Put in saucepan and saute for another 5 minutes, stirring.
Sprinkle with flour, turn the meat and stir the gravy. Add the marinade, wine, salt and pepper and bring to a boil. Cover, Abbas fire, and cook for 2 hours and 40 minutes, or until the flesh of your flesh cook according to become tender. Transfer
preparation on a platter, decorated with pleasure, zest lemon and serve hot.
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