Jacques, now that you would be 101 years old, in a world in which present and future so enthusiastic and inspiring people of heroic deeds as you are required, which up to a great ecologists of the twentieth. Century, the greatest scientists of the depths of the oceans, the protector of whales and octopus, with more than 50 publications on the most widely writers in the field of maritime life, generations to study and research of marine fauna and flora inspired, looking up because of your persistent battle to protect environmental summit in Rio the world to the center of public attention, made the French of all Frenchmen and as popular as Napoleon Bonaparte or more, are the simple and modest man, great husband, father, Captain Planet all time, how would you define yourself?
Jacques, now that you would be 101 years old, in a world in which present and future so enthusiastic and inspiring people of heroic deeds as you are required, which up to a great ecologists of the twentieth. Century, the greatest scientists of the depths of the oceans, the protector of whales and octopus, with more than 50 publications on the most widely writers in the field of maritime life, generations to study and research of marine fauna and flora inspired, looking up because of your persistent battle to protect environmental summit in Rio the world to the center of public attention, made the French of all Frenchmen and as popular as Napoleon Bonaparte or more, are the simple and modest man, great husband, father, Captain Planet all time, how would you define yourself?
I would compare myself as an actor or with Ronald Reagan's first acts before becoming politicians. As a young man I was trying to get roles as an actor. Since in this case but I had no luck, I turned to the sea creatures until I got the opportunity I production in the 50s, 60s, 70 Jaren un devote most-watched reality shows led. In agreement with Hollywood, I agreed to the production of films about the oceans, where I am because of the acceptance by the public in these reports was to find sponsors who helped me then to the big breakthrough on the small and big screens.
I would compare myself as an actor or with Ronald Reagan's first acts before becoming politicians. As a young man I was trying to get roles as an actor. Since in this case but I had no luck, I turned to the sea creatures until I got the opportunity I production in the 50s, 60s, 70 Jaren un devote most-watched reality shows led. In agreement with Hollywood, I agreed to the production of films about the oceans, where I am because of the acceptance by the public in these reports was to find sponsors who helped me then to the big breakthrough on the small and big screens.
But no one can mistake that you are a great environmentalist, scientist, protector of whales and octopuses and widespread writer of marine life with more than 50 publications?
But no one can mistake that you are a great environmentalist, scientist, protector of whales and octopuses and widespread writer of marine life with more than 50 publications?
No, that's not true, none of this is true. All this was just a Inzenierung. For the film producers, it was a difficult time and it different things were needed to the enthusiasm of the audience and as the theme of travel and the marine life called Aufnmerksamkeit very large, the investors have the conversation set on this card and so we went out to film, but even with prescribed manuscripts.
. Would respect the scientific Temas me clarify that important and serious work was not carried out with due scientific diligence. This work was not commercial enough and therefore was not invested in it, but in books of maritime photographs and the like.
Regarding the conservation of wildlife, so the whales and octopus that was not true. In many cases it was only to use of that species for the purpose of dramatic characters in the movies. If necessary we made the whales aggressively to increase the tension. I dedaure much so that many of them died in the Drehabrbeiten. Of the Kraken I can only say that what I liked most about them, they had to eat. I have prepared the way uteschiedlichste.
No, that's not true, none of this is true. All this was just a Inzenierung. For the film producers, it was a difficult time and it different things were needed to the enthusiasm of the audience and as the theme of travel and the marine life called Aufnmerksamkeit very large, the investors have the conversation set on this card and so we went out to film, but even with prescribed manuscripts.
. Would respect the scientific Temas me clarify that important and serious work was not carried out with due scientific diligence. This work was not commercial enough and therefore was not invested in it, but in books of maritime photographs and the like.
Regarding the conservation of wildlife, so the whales and octopus that was not true. In many cases it was only to use of that species for the purpose of dramatic characters in the movies. If necessary we made the whales aggressively to increase the tension. I dedaure much so that many of them died in the Drehabrbeiten. Of the Kraken I can only say that what I liked most about them, they had to eat. I have prepared the way uteschiedlichste.
in my life I have not written a book inziges own hand. Since I was famous I have manuscripts occurred from less successful writers, which I then submitted a registration application to act as co-author and me, the content of the books I liked finance these books, they would give me the Erscheinen meines Fotos auf der Titelseite erlaubten. So kam es dazu, dass im Verlauf der Zeit bis zu 50 Bücher veröffentlich wurden. Da ich merkte, dass die Bücher keinen großen Umsatz erbrachten und ich dabei an Geld verlor, wollte ich nicht mehr.
in my life I have not written a book inziges own hand. Since I was famous I have manuscripts occurred from less successful writers, which I then submitted a registration application to act as co-author and me, the content of the books I liked finance these books, they would give me the Erscheinen meines Fotos auf der Titelseite erlaubten. So kam es dazu, dass im Verlauf der Zeit bis zu 50 Bücher veröffentlich wurden. Da ich merkte, dass die Bücher keinen großen Umsatz erbrachten und ich dabei an Geld verlor, wollte ich nicht mehr.
Sie haben bis zum Schluß große Beiträge geleistet, besonders wenn es um das wecken des Bewahrer Bewusstseins ging. In der letzten Etappe ihres Lebens waren sie sehr aktiv wenn es sich um die Proteste gegen radioktive Abfälle handelte, ebenso als sie auf dem Gipfel in Rio Präsens zeigten. Das ist von sehr großem Wert für all die Menschen, die es sich heutzutage zur Aufgabe gemacht haben die Umwelt zu verteidigen?
An diesen Tagen war meine Popularität am Boden und wir mußten die weltweite Aufmerksamkeit rufen, um zu sehen ob wir Investroren für die Stiftung die meinen Name trug zu finden. Wir hatten einige neue Projekte und Expeditionen vor, aber es fehlte das Geld. Auch ich selbst hatte die Notwendigkeit meinen eigenen Lebensstil zu unterhalten den ich ja über Jahrzehnte führte, aber trotz aller Bemühungen konnte ich nicht viel erreichen. Inzwischen waren die Dinge nicht mehr so wie früher. Es gab nun viel mehr Alternativen im Bereich der Unterhaltung, als meine Reisen über die Meere.
Sie haben bis zum Schluß große Beiträge geleistet, besonders wenn es um das wecken des Bewahrer Bewusstseins ging. In der letzten Etappe ihres Lebens waren sie sehr aktiv wenn es sich um die Proteste gegen radioktive Abfälle handelte, ebenso als sie auf dem Gipfel in Rio Präsens zeigten. Das ist von sehr großem Wert für all die Menschen, die es sich heutzutage zur Aufgabe gemacht haben die Umwelt zu verteidigen?
An diesen Tagen war meine Popularität am Boden und wir mußten die weltweite Aufmerksamkeit rufen, um zu sehen ob wir Investroren für die Stiftung die meinen Name trug zu finden. Wir hatten einige neue Projekte und Expeditionen vor, aber es fehlte das Geld. Auch ich selbst hatte die Notwendigkeit meinen eigenen Lebensstil zu unterhalten den ich ja über Jahrzehnte führte, aber trotz aller Bemühungen konnte ich nicht viel erreichen. Inzwischen waren die Dinge nicht mehr so wie früher. Es gab nun viel mehr Alternativen im Bereich der Unterhaltung, als meine Reisen über die Meere.
Und abschließend wäre noch zu sagen, dass ich weder ein schlichter noch bescheidener Mensch war, bitte bedenken You see, I was French. The French think of themselves that they are the best of the entire planet. The Captain Planet I agree with, not because of my real merit, but because it sounds good. There is a certain person of my rank. It feels superior!
final word of the interviewer:
The French have the phrase, "Le contraire de lui-même" appeared. That means something like: "Contrasting his own." We may believe that something similar happens with Jacques Cousteau. There are those who have never done in life hero or anti hero, or have thought that their kreativen Taten aus ihnen danach ein Legat machen würden. Jacques Hingabe und sein Aufwand haben dazu geführt ihn zu einem der wichtigsten Merkzeichen des 20. Jahrhunderts zu machen. Seine Verfilmungen, seine Fotos und seine Erinnerungen mit Hollywood haben zu einer weltweiten Bekanntmachung des maritimen Lebens geführt. Das ist sein großes Erbe. Seiner Beharrlichkeit und das was sein Lebensprojekt war, dem zollen wir mit diesem Artikkel Tribut.
Für Lenin Cardozo / Wolfgang Schwarz
The French have the phrase, "Le contraire de lui-même" appeared. That means something like: "Contrasting his own." We may believe that something similar happens with Jacques Cousteau. There are those who have never done in life hero or anti hero, or have thought that their kreativen Taten aus ihnen danach ein Legat machen würden. Jacques Hingabe und sein Aufwand haben dazu geführt ihn zu einem der wichtigsten Merkzeichen des 20. Jahrhunderts zu machen. Seine Verfilmungen, seine Fotos und seine Erinnerungen mit Hollywood haben zu einer weltweiten Bekanntmachung des maritimen Lebens geführt. Das ist sein großes Erbe. Seiner Beharrlichkeit und das was sein Lebensprojekt war, dem zollen wir mit diesem Artikkel Tribut.
Für Lenin Cardozo / Wolfgang Schwarz
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