Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Most Common Numbers In Roulette

RomeCup 2011: La robotica nella scuola

Dalla robotica educativa alla robotica di servizio. Gare, workshop, area dimostrativa e laboratori tra i principali eventi di questa la quinta edizione della RomeCup , Trofeo Internazionale Città di Roma di Robotica, che si tiene dal 14 al 16 marzo, a Roma.

Promossa dalla Fondazione Mondo Digitale , l'incontro quest’anno amplierà la tradizionale formula dei tre eventi in uno (gare, area dimostrativa e convegno) con importanti novità: laboratori didattici per le scuole di diverso ordine e grado, che coinvolgeranno in due giorni oltre 2.000 studenti, workshop per docenti e un appuntamento istituzionale per la sigla del primo accordo di rete che lancia una strategia nazionale di lungo termine per la robotica educativa.

Nel 16 marzo, nella Sala della Protomoteca, Campidoglio, si terranno la tavola rotonda “La robotica tra presente e futuro: visione e roadmap di lungo respiro per l’Italia” (ore 10.00) e la firma del Protocollo d’intesa inter-istituzionale sulla robotica educativa, fasi finali delle competizioni e cerimonia di premiazione delle squadre vincitrici (ore 12.30).

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Southbeach Phase 1 Protein Bars

La Tierra le Reclama a Japón

La pasada cumbre de Cancún sobre el Cambio Climático, fue testigo de una de las posiciones mas férreas y tenaces, para que no se llegara a ningún acuerdo, sobre acciones en conjunto, que con urgencia se requieren realizar, para disminuir las perturbaciones que la raza humana le hace a la atmosfera. Nunca, alguna delegación había sido tan visible, como la de Japón. Sus tácticas dilatorias perturbaron hasta el final, y ayudaron “muchísimo” a que una vez mas no hubiera consenso para una sabia acción en defensa del planeta. Conducta reiterativa, en las distintas Cumbres realizadas en el pasado.
Esta orientación del gobierno Nipón, se sustenta in the quasi-official version of the scientific community linked to the governing elites, who manage the thesis which denies climate change is due to human action, and argue for it, that the temperature measurement data used to support the approach to global warming are remarkably low and points also to the trend of Earth's warming in the second half of XX S finished. Also, ridicule the "show" of environmentalists who point to greenhouse gases caused by human action as the cause of the changes in climate.
For the Japanese government simply warming global is "a hypothesis unlikely." Described as extremely immature climate models used in predictions catastrofísticas predict sharp increases in global temperature or the melting of Greenland or Antarctica. And no doubt on climate science compare with the "ancient astrology" or also known as' the neo astrology. "
The argument was that they were convinced that "no great disaster." Some scientists and environmentalists in the West have used historical data to deny that the current temperatures can be considered a historical anomaly. And supposedly giving the range of facts which are nothing more than to prove scientific hypotheses. Also, reiterate, it is not so certain that we will witness major catastrophes in the different continents. And almost in unison, the Japanese expressed the position that: "Before many realize these hypotheses (the Climate Change) are replaced by the truth", therefore "we must discard the opinions will argue that new contingencies in the world. " Indeed, a scientific truth that only they know.
In that same vein, "from its very convenient plus science", the Japanese government supports the indiscriminate hunting whaling, arguing that this is done for "scientific" studies. A scientific study (which never ends) and supports the killing of hundreds of these helpless animals annually, with whaling ships.
. Japan Today
, lives, the consequences of the fifth strongest earthquake that has occurred so far in the world. And more than 150 smaller earthquakes and simultaneous reply. Devastation that it will take years to calculate their consequences.
Maybe it is time that Japan's government, its scientists and diplomats, begin to look, what they have called the "ancient astrology." Y working with other countries and communities that wish to stop the excesses of the Club of polluters.

Paint Face Game Jeff Hardy

Con la lana que uses, seras medido

Australia, New Zealand and United Kingdom are the major producers of wool in the world. They together produce more than 40% of the wool used, exploiting more than 150 million sheep. This particular industry is now under fire from conservationists and environmentalists, who the point of being one of the most bloodthirsty business. And have uncovered the "system", production of wool from the sheep shearing. The following describes non-judgmental "this activity" for the reader to draw his own conclusions.
The ewes bred in Australia, New Zealand and the UK are mainly merino, a special variety for its rough skin and large numbers of these animals produce wool. On a smaller scale, other countries also remove the wool from sheep, goat, rabbit or Tibetan antelope, called pashmina wool or cashmere or angora. And the procedure is as equally or more terrible than that used with sheep.
The big breeders understand that sheep are "things or devices" that produce wool and therefore the shearers, as a matter of routine without any care, slicing in many cases pieces of carne. Se les olvido, hace décadas, que son seres vivos, que sienten dolor, miedo y soledad. La prioridad, es lograr producción, la cual se mide por rendimiento del corte de la lana. Y esos cortes se hacen, mientras más apurados mejor, donde poco importa si los equipos de rasurar tienen el debido filo o son los más apropiados. Testigos reportan: “Los sitios de trasquile son de los más crueles para los animales… si los animales se inquietan, por el dolor que sienten, ante los cortes que traspasan a la piel, los empleados las golpean a puñetazos o con palos, indiscriminadamente para que se “tranquilicen”.
Australia, Nueva Zelandia y Reino Unido, son los grandes productores wool in the world. They together produce more than 40% of the wool used, exploiting more than 150 million sheep. This particular industry is now under fire from conservationists and environmentalists, who the point of being one of the most bloodthirsty business. And have uncovered the "system", production of wool from the sheep shearing. The following describes non-judgmental "this activity" for the reader to draw his own conclusions.
The ewes bred in Australia, New Zealand and the UK are mainly merino, a special variety for its rough skin and large numbers of these animals produce wool. Lesser scale, other countries also remove the wool from sheep, goat, rabbit or Tibetan antelope, called pashmina wool or cashmere or angora. And the procedure is as equally or more terrible than that used with sheep.
The big breeders understand that sheep are "things or devices" that produce wool and therefore the shearers, as a matter of routine without any care, slicing in many cases pieces of meat. They forget, for decades, they are living beings who feel pain, fear and loneliness. The priority is to achieve production, which performance is measured by cutting the wool. And those cuts are made, the more you better hurry, where poco importa si los equipos de rasurar tienen el debido filo o son los más apropiados. Testigos reportan: “Los sitios de trasquile son de los más crueles para los animales… si los animales se inquietan, por el dolor que sienten, ante los cortes que traspasan a la piel, los empleados las golpean a puñetazos o con palos, indiscriminadamente para que se “tranquilicen”.
El viacrucis de estos indefensos animales comienzan semanas después de haber nacido, donde a las ovejas se les perforan las orejas, se les corta la cola y a los machos se les castra sin anestesia, haciendo una incisión y extrayendo los testículos, o le colocan una liga en los testículos que les corta la circulación until they atrophy, occurring in the meantime, excessive pain. Every year, hundreds of sheep die of hunger before 8 weeks, and thousands of adult sheep die of disease, lack of shelter or neglect.
Also, as in the folds of skin are deposited woolly worms and insects that lay eggs, which are then able to eat the sheep alive. Breeders or farmers Australian and New Zealand to prevent the attack of fleas and insects, they practice a cruel operation called "mulesing" of placing the sheep on his back and tie their legs between metal bars (without anesthesia or pain) cut pieces of meat the size de un plato, alrededor de su cola. De esta manera las pulgas no se alojarán en la oveja, pues no les gusta la carne viva. Pero igual, esas heridas se infectan y las pulgas atacan de cualquier manera.
Cuando declina la producción de lana y las ovejas no son útiles para la industria, son vendidas al matadero. Esto conlleva al transporte de 8 millones de ovejas cada año, desde Reino Unido, Australia y Nueva Zelandia hasta Medio Oriente y Norte de África. Padeciendo semanas o meses de travesía en barcos donde van hacinadas, tienen poca agua y comida y soportan climas extremos.Muchas ovejas enferman, otras quedan sumidas entre los excrementos y no pueden moverse y otras son aplastadas por ovejas que tratan de alcanzar la poca agua que se les da. La mortalidad a bordo supera al 10 por ciento. Las ovejas enfermas o malheridas son procesadas vivas o lanzadas por la borda para que se las coman los tiburones. En el 2008, 20.500 ovejas murieron de calor en el camino hacia Medio Oriente. Sus cadáveres fueron lanzados por la borda.Entre agosto y octubre del 2009 más de 50.000 ovejas permanecieron semanas a bordo del barco Cormo Express, cuando el gobierno de Arabia Saudí rechazó aceptarlas porque muchas de ellas estaban enfermas. Después de dos meses a bordo del barco, con poca comida y agua, con temperaturas superiores a los 37 grados, la nación africana de Eritrea las aceptó para sacrificarlas. Cuando las sobrevivientes llegaron a su destino, fueron arrastradas a camiones y posteriormente, degolladas estando plenamente conscientes. En los países musulmanes del Norte de África y de Medio Oriente, el ritual tradicional está exento de regulaciones humanitarias. Algunas ovejas son matadas masivamente, mientras que otras son vendidas y matadas por compradores particulares.
En el presente ser un usuario del comercio de la lana es apoyar el negocio que involucra sufrimiento de miles de animales. Existe ropa alternativa a la lana, hechas de materiales duraderos, abrigadores y modernos. Los invito a que nos unamos a la moda compasiva: no compremos nada que involucre el uso de la lana y piel en general. El viacrucis de estos indefensos animales comienzan semanas después de haber nacido, donde a las ovejas se les perforan las orejas, se les corta la cola y a los machos se les castra sin anestesia, haciendo una incisión y extrayendo los testículos, o le colocan una liga en los testículos que les corta la circulación hasta que se les atrofien, produciéndoles en el ínterin, un excesivo dolor. Cada año, cientos de ovejas mueren de hambre antes de las 8 semanas, y miles de ovejas adultas mueren por enfermedades, falta de cobijo o negligencia.
Así mismo, como entre los pliegues de la lanuda piel se depositan parásitos e insectos que ponen huevecillos, que luego son capaces de devorar viva a la oveja. Los criadores o granjeros australianos y de Nueva Zelandia para prevenir este ataque de pulgas e insectos, practican una cruel operación llamada “mulesing” que consiste en colocar a las ovejas boca arriba y atar sus patas entre barras de metal para (sin anestesia ni analgésicos) cortar trozos de carne del tamaño de un plato, alrededor de su cola. De esta manera las pulgas no se alojarán en la oveja, pues no les gusta la carne viva. Pero igual, esas heridas se infectan y las pulgas atacan de cualquier manera.
Cuando declina la producción de lana y las ovejas no son útiles para la industria, son vendidas al matadero. Esto conlleva al transporte de 8 millones de ovejas cada año, desde Reino Unido, Australia y Nueva Zelandia hasta Medio Oriente y Norte de África. Padeciendo semanas o meses de travesía en barcos donde van hacinadas, tienen poca agua y comida y soportan climas extremos.Muchas ovejas enferman, otras quedan sumidas entre los excrementos y no pueden moverse y otras son aplastadas por ovejas que tratan de alcanzar la poca agua que se les da. La mortalidad a bordo supera al 10 por ciento. Las ovejas enfermas o malheridas son procesadas vivas o lanzadas por la borda para que se las coman los tiburones. En el 2008, 20.500 ovejas murieron de calor en el camino hacia Medio Oriente. Sus cadáveres fueron lanzados por la borda.
Entre agosto y octubre del 2009 más de 50.000 ovejas permanecieron semanas a bordo del barco Cormo Express, cuando el gobierno de Arabia Saudí rechazó aceptarlas porque many were sick. After two months on board the ship with little food and water, with temperatures above 37 degrees, the African nation of Eritrea, agreed to sacrifice. When the survivors reached their destination, they were dragged into trucks and then slaughtered while fully conscious. In Muslim countries of North Africa and Middle East, the traditional ritual is free from humanitarian regulations. Some sheep are slaughtered en masse, while others are sold and killed by private purchasers.
This being a user of the wool trade is to support the business involving thousands of animals suffering. There is alternative clothing a la lana, hechas de materiales duraderos, abrigadores y modernos. Los invito a que nos unamos a la moda compasiva: no compremos nada que involucre el uso de la lana y piel en general.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Funny Things To Write In Wedding Book

Adolescenti e Nuove Tecnologie

11 years is the average age at which you learn to use computers, 93.3% of Trentino has a connection that uses regular, 6 out of 10 kids use Internet to exchange messages and keep in touch with friends.

These are just some of the many findings from research on digital natives "(the generation born and raised in the era of the PC) created by Silvia Gherardi and Manuela Perrotta ; University of Trento in Project LiveMemories coordinated by Fondazione Bruno Kessler and filed on Feb. 25 at the Auditorium of the Centro Servizi Culturali S. Chiara.
objective of the research - which involved 852 students between 15 and 19 years from high schools, technical and vocational schools and Vocational Training Centres of Trentino - was to investigate lifestyles and habits of young people born and raised in the digital age, compared with the use Internet and social networks.

Among their main interests resta in testa l'incontrare amici e conoscenti (78,1%) seguita dalla passione per la musica (70,5%) e, solo al terzo posto, dal navigare sul web ( 57,2%), attività solitaria (quasi 8 su 10 lo fanno da soli) che viene però svolta principalmente per socializzare, tenersi in contatto, condividere immagini, musica, filmati e darsi appuntamenti con gli amici. 

Social network per eccellenza: Facebook, che vede iscritti 8 ragazzi su 10, mentre sono praticamente sconosciuti tutti gli altri. All'ultima domanda su quello che vorrebbero caricare su un sito web visitabile solo nel 2050 come ricordo per il futuro, i ragazzi hanno risposto: la musica (65,4%), immediately followed by pictures taken by itself (64%) and then by film (41.3%), images taken by others (39.1%) as their notes and texts and stories (30.5%).

Friday, March 4, 2011

Playing Age Of Empires 1 Without Disc

Flash mob Younicef in 25 città italiane

Today, at 18 hours in 25 Italian cities thousands of children Younicef \u200b\u200b, the movement of young volunteers Unicef, "invade" the squares to make their voices heard in a new way to launch the campaign of recruiting volunteers for 2011. They try to raise awareness around the issues of child rights and adolescence through a flash mob. The avvevano already tried it before and successfully preview of Sanremo (during the days of the Song Festival).

Through this flash mob March 5 Younicef \u200b\u200bthe boys will be ideally close to their peers in North Africa, particularly Libya, in this dramatic moment for their country.

"While I'm talking about, 22,000 children die around the world. 22,000. Like every day. They are the outcasts, the forgotten, the latest among the last. Poverty and discrimination can be defeated. Each of us can do something to stop it. Just a little 'of their time. We must dare di più, dobbiamo essere di più. Dobbiamo tutti insieme “ESSERE UNICEF”. Unisciti a noi. Diventa volontario. Visita il sito www.unicef.it . Perché bambini più uguali è giusto e possibile” questo l’appello del Presidente dell’UNICEF Italia Vincenzo Spadafora per lanciare la campagna di reclutamento dei volontari per il 2011.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How Does General Anaesthetic Affect The Heart

DVD Generator 2.0 per Windows Seven

Per approviginarsi del suddetto file e lavorarci una volta completato il download è sufficiente copiare la cartella presente nel *.rar ovunque voi vogliate e lanciare l'eseguibile al suo interno. Funziona perfettamente con Windows Seven nelle rispettive versioni a 32bit e a 64bit. Provati personalmente.

LINK: DVD GENERATOR 2.0 Windows Seven (32bit - 64bit)