Monday, February 28, 2011

Flaky Dark Spot On Dog Skin

Refugiados ambientales o desplazados climáticos

Considerado como uno de los mayores desafíos del siglo XXI, son las proyecciones de científicos y ambientalistas, que indican que la escasez de alimentos, la falta de agua potable (producto del agotamiento de acuíferos), inundaciones y elevación del nivel del mar, consecuencias directas del cambio climático, serán las circunstancias que obligaran a desplazarse a más 50 millones de personas en los próximos 10 años. Y al equivalente poblacional de unos de los cinco continentes end of the century.
The world begins to see a new category of "refugees" who due to serious environmental problems, are forced to migrate within their country or outside it. We refer to the so-called environmental refugees or displaced persons or climate. Where, for the first time, environmental refugees outnumber those fleeing war.
At present, climate change is already impacting on the quality and quantity of food available for many populations in the world.
same is true with the ever increasing shortage of drinking water, where for example, communities India, China and Mexico, whose aquifers are being emptied completely, have caused millions of people have been forced to migrate. A similar situation relates to the deserts are spreading. Where, scientists say that because of the growth of the Gobi (desert region north of China), are now "refugees from the desert" have moved into Mongolia, Ningxia and Gansu as 4 000 communities are facing depopulation. The same happens in Iran, where Tehran nearby communities have been abandoned by the expansion of desert and lack of water.
The other major environmental contingency is associated to rising sea level, which is expected to produce extreme floods in China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Philippines, South Korea, Thailand and Vietnam, which would force millions of human beings to move inside such countries, already overcrowded.
For more serious problems, 75 percent of the populations to be hit by such violent climatic migration are rooted in poor areas of the world: Africa, Asia and Latin America. Although it is believed that many try to reach the northern countries, their own economic opportunities and border barriers will be a deterrent and thickness would shift between las regiones vecinas o circundantes.
El debate se centra en que los refugiados climáticos, al igual que otros casos de refugiados o desplazados, sufren las mismas inequidades, injusticias sociales y desequilibrios económicos que viven muchos de los pobladores del planeta.
Sin embargo, solo las víctimas de la violencia política o guerras, son las que tienen a través de organizaciones internacionales acceso a diferentes formas de asistencia financiera, albergues, comida, escuelas y clínicas, los llamados “refugiados o migrantes ambientales” aún no han sido considerados en las convenciones mundiales, lo cual los hace totalmente vulnerables. Ellos, se encuentran tan forced and economic migrants and racial as well, fleeing environmental devastation that produce poor living conditions and hunger after them. Even when politicians believe that migration is a matter of public policy. The reality is that behind this phenomenon, there is a claim of survival: these people have no future and no chance to survive in their places of origin.
International law recognizes no environmental or climate refugees, as the Geneva Conventions adopted by the United Nations Organization (UNO) in 1951 only cover political or racial refugees.
It is time colocar, el nuevo estatus de refugiado ambiental en la agenda internacional. Son la real emergencia del futuro.

Friday, February 25, 2011

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Rapporto UNICEF: Adolescenza, il tempo delle opportunità

La condizione dell'infanzia nel mondo 2011

Il mondo è giovane, ma non è per i giovani. Sono 1,2 miliardi gli abitanti del pianeta che hanno un'età compresa tra 10 e 19 anni. Nove su dieci di essi vivono nei Paesi in via di sviluppo e condividono con gli adulti le difficoltà economiche e sociali, con in più le difficoltà della loro età e della carenza di diritti.
Con un totale di giovani disoccupati che, nel 2009, ha toccato in tutto il mondo gli 81 milioni, la disoccupazione giovanile continua a essere motivo di preoccupazione quasi in ogni paese. ée quanto emerge dal rapporto globale dell'UNICEF "La Condizione dell'infanzia nel mondo", che è dedicato quest'anno alla "Adolescenza, il tempo delle opportunità".
Come sempre, il Rapporto si chiude con l'Appendice statistica contenente i dati più aggiornati e affidabili sull'infanzia (dalla salute all'istruzione, dalle condizioni economiche a quelle demografiche) aggregati e per singolo Stato.
"Negli ultimi anni, si sono registrati meno miglioramenti in ambiti critici per gli adolescenti. Attualmente più di 70 milioni di adolescenti in età di scuola media non la frequentano e, a livello globale, le femmine sono ancora indietro rispetto ai maschi in termini di partecipazione alla scuola secondaria", dichiara il Presidente dell’UNICEF Italia Vincenzo Spadafora.

Riportiamo The following is a brief excerpt of the report on adolescence, the time of opportunity.


developing countries (excluding China), poor adolescent girls have about three times as likely to marry before age 18 than their peers belonging to those belonging to richer households.
girls who marry too soon are at greater risk of falling into a negative cycle of teenage pregnancy, high rates of maternal mortality and child malnutrition. In addition, girls suffer higher rates of domestic violence and / or sexual violence than boys and are more subject to the risk of HIV infection.

The vast majority of teenagers today (88%) live in developing countries. Many of them are faced with a serie unica di sfide.

Sebbene oggigiorno, in tutto il mondo, gli adolescenti siano generalmente più sani che in passato, restano significativi molti rischi per la salute, tra cui gli infortuni, i problemi connessi all'alimentazione, l'abuso di sostanze e i problemi di salute mentale. Si stima che circa un adolescente su cinque soffra di problemi di salute mentale o comportamentali. poco a dire il vero. Il Programma di governo
Banda Larga nelle Scuole
(PBLE) offre connessione gratuita a internet a 91,6% delle scuole pubbliche urbane del Brasile. 

Fino al 31 dicembre 2010, 57.586 scuole contavano sulla connessione web, secondo l'ultimo bilancio diffuso dall'Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações (Anatel). La meta è che il progetto raggiunga tutte le
62.864 scuole
fino alla fine del 2011. Il programma è frutto del partenariato fra il Ministero per le Comunicazioni, il Ministero dell'Istruzione, Anatel e aziende di telefonia.
Banda larga já chega a 91% das escolas públicas urbanas do País

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How Long Does Pleurisy Last?

Akihito imperatore del Giappone, non mangia Sushi

Secondo i consiglieri imperiali, un caro amico, ha detto l'Imperatore, che i delfini sono reincarnazioni di persone che si trovavano per il bene del mondo. E gran parte della sua famiglia, per essere persone oneste, possono avere reincarnato in questi mammiferi. Da allora, i sogni non sono stati gli stessi. Perso il conto di come molti delfini hanno mangiato sushi nella vostra vita.
I delfini sono mammiferi acquatici della famiglia delle balene che vivono in quasi tutti gli oceani del pianeta. Mentre viveva in mare aperto è stato anche vicino alla spiaggia, ma senza raggiungere la riva. I delfini sono classificati come specie perché hanno un aspetto diverso in termini di dimensioni, colore o la forma della testa. Nel mondo ci sono 32 specie. I delfini hanno anche appiattito pinna caudale o coda orizzontale. Con esso battere l'acqua su e giù per scorrere e, a volte lo usano per rimanere in piedi per un attimo in superficie. Con le pinne controllare la direzione e mantenere l'equilibrio mentre nuota, viene anche utilizzata per ruotare o scorrere su un lato.
Una delle qualità che distingue meglio il delfino è la velocità di nuoto, con un po 'di raggiungere 45 km / h, pari a 700 metri è correre for one minute. They can also dive to 300 feet and hold their breath for almost twenty minutes before going out for air. Something very strange is that never sleeps. To relax the body floating reduce the activity and leave its blowhole, this is called torpor. They feed mainly on fish, squid and octopus. The dolphins live in flocks, but do not remain the same throughout life, the group changed to migrate, mate or find food. Groups are supplemented by 10 to 10,000 dolphins, depending on the species. Almost all species of dolphins live between forty and sixty. Their main predators are sharks, killer whales and the Japanese.
Japanese killed each year on average of 40 000 dolphins, which are incorporated in the kitchen sushi. The dolphin meat is being marketed as a replacement of a whale (which despite the ban on international whale meat, is free on Japanese supermarket shelves.) The increase in meat prices has stimulated fishing for dolphins. Most of these dolphins are trapped arponazos at sea, especially in the Pacific Ocean. The method used to kill dolphins to make them bleed after injury, which is a long agony for animals.
Shares voluntary reporting of preservation and dissemination through various media is the only strategy to create international pressure to ensure che le misure efficaci da adottare per proteggere la vita di questi nobili animali.
La crociata per la difesa dà vita a queste specie, solo agli inizi. Il Giappone continua a godere dell'impunità anche ambientale e dichiara apertamente che i delfini uccidere non è sanzionato in campagna, gli animali non sono in pericolo e che in alcune zone sono designati come parassiti.
Almeno in questa nazione, abbiamo la consolazione, che la colpa e incubi dell'Imperatore, hanno rinunciato a continuare a mangiare carne di delfino.
Il grido in ogni angolo non aspettare: GIAPPONESE DEL MONDO, seguire l'esempio di Akihito
Da: Lenin Cardozo / José Forgione.

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Chi vive, Chi muore?

The reason for all the environmentalists and thinkers of the twenty-first century is to defend the right to the gift of life, of all species inhabiting the planet. And since life first objective will be to challenge razacentrismo of humanity, who claimed the right to decide who lives and who dies on this planet.
Between us, we invented the beliefs, assumptions, ways of life and good from there, shall be governed behavior, punish or apply the death penalty. In the Middle East, for example, if a woman watching TV alone, or if you have a partner without marriage or simply choose to have sex, resulting in sentences ranging from 100 lashes or stoning to death on a street in those cities. In the name of the rules of supposed "superior" for coexistence, written centuries ago, life has been removed. Same thing with the death punish those involved in protests or signs of dissent.
Although we have different religions kill, or that was the argument to "justify" the genocide of the peoples of former Yugoslavia, to name a recent case. The written word in a book, which dates from a world view totally in step with current realities, has the power to submit, or that they use to reduce them. Or, if politically non-democratic government schemes, loyalty is not absolutely clear. Extra test executions investigation, it is usually when you hold power by force or authority granted assumptions lineages created by divine grace. Kings, princes, emperors, presidents or general life, in a whisper to an aide, he decided the life of him who disturbs.
There are regions in Africa, where the cost of a bullet is greater than the life of a person. The lethal combination of lead dust, killed more people than the sum of all deaths from disasters and epidemics in Africa. And mutilation with machetes in hand, one year of the last decade that all the heads that rolled along the French Revolution. Of course, other species should tremble presso la nostra presenza. Centinaia di elefanti morire, per sfuggire i denti, e migliaia di altre specie per il turismo di caccia.
In alcuni paesi dell'Asia, il supplemento di indagine processo morti per dissenso politico che di vermi per la morte della professione di Iran, solo nascosto, controllare i media, è ridotto al silenzio. Preservando in tal modo di godere di giuste uccidendo molti. Come per le altre specie, decine di migliaia di delfini ogni anno, vengono catturati per trasformarli in sushi. Lo stesso destino subito da migliaia di squali, dove l'interesse principale è quello di tagliare la pinna dorsale a fare la pinna "famosa" zuppa di squalo. Negli ultimi 20 anni nella popolazione delle balene dell'Oceano Pacific fell to 20%. Similarly, and without remorse, some coastal villages of the Pacific, used for fishing bait, dogs live cross between the jaws of two hooks.
North of Europe, the Netherlands, killing hundreds of dolphins in a variety of public event, to continue a tradition and to demonstrate their virility among young people. Overall, this activity is known as "red tide". Similarly, overhunting European bluefin tuna, leaving the list of endangered species. In addition, without words, the agreement between Canada and China to export grease seal. The killing of these innocent animals, far from stopping, now the interest per i loro compromessi grasso la loro esistenza, eliminando a sua volta uno dei nutrienti chiave nella catena alimentare degli orsi polari.
In Occidente abbiamo sollevato per il nostro consumo: mucche, cavalli, maiali e asini. In India, per la sorte di questi, il culto specie. In Nord America, il bracconaggio, ha ridotto le popolazioni di bufalo, puma e alle piccole aziende agricole e giardini zoologici, rispettivamente. In America, ogni volta che viene ulteriormente ridotta la popolazione di tartarughe marine, per le spiagge utilizzate da questa specie per la deposizione delle uova, è gestito da una folla incontrollata, alla ricerca di uova commerciali.
A proposito di animali come animali domestici accettati, le loro aspettative di vita dipende da chi ti protegge. Vi è l'impunità assoluta al momento di decidere se vivere o morire. E per quanto riguarda il resto della fauna, la razza umana affollato sembra avere la missione vile in futuro, per finire, senza eccezioni. Se non ucciderli direttamente intervenire habitat, lasciandoli senza cibo, e condannandoli a morire di fame.
Noi uccidere e uccidere altre specie guidati da sentimenti ignobili. L'avidità, la cupidigia, la perdita, l'orgoglio, l'odio, vendetta, gelosia, paura di essere sfollati, e il piacere morboso di vedere o sentire l'altro essere in trappola, terrorizzata e in agonia. . Gli esseri umani, noi distinguiamo sé come esseri più e più alto del pianeta intelligenti. Ma ci sono venute meno, la nostra lode, ci manchi, corone auto anche come il paese più e Crudeli sanguinosi. Che ci avrebbe sicuramente vinto ogni tipo!
Since: Lenin Cardozo / José Forgione

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What Do A Hymen Look Like

Who lives, who dies? El amor por las mascotas

reason, a staunch environmentalist and thinkers of the XXI. Century is to be covered by the right, the gift of life and all its species inhabit our planet and to be able to defend. Ostensible goal of humanity is to challenge the Rassenzentrismus, who reserves the sole right to decide over life and death on this planet.
Wir erfanden für uns Glaubensarten und angeblich gute Formen des Zusammenlebens und ab diesem Augenblick an beurteilen wir die Verhaltensweisen die dann zu Bestrafungen oder gar zur Todesstrafe führen können. Im Nahen Osten zum Beispiel, wenn eine Frau alleine Fernsehen schaut oder Sie entscheidet vorher ohne geheiratet zu haben Sex zu haben, führ dies zu Strafen von bis zu hundert Peitschenschläge oder sie wird in irgendeiner Straße des Dorfes gesteinigt. All dies geschieht im Namen einiger angeblich „höherer“ Regeln des Zusammenlebens die vor mehrere Jahrhunderte geschrieben wurden, wird Menschen das Leben genommen. Ebenso mit dem Tod werden Menschen bestraft die entweder an Protestaktionen teilnehmen, oder sich declare as apostates.
We kill when we have different religions, this was at least in the recent history of genocide, the argument between the peoples of the former Yugoslavia. Has not this in a book written and on a totally outdated ideology based word far and today's reality, the power to enslave us, or at least it will be used for this purpose. Or if it were not democratic systems, its political regime, not the absolute loyalty towards proving related executions of people rather than by extra-judicial execution of judgments as most common method when the power was broken by coup in itself or through God's grace to families has gone with nobility. Kings, princes, emperors, presidents or generals decide for life with a simple whisper at one of their assistants and the lives of those they disturb.
There are regions in Africa where the value of a bullet is higher than the value of human life. The deadly mixture of gunpowder and lead has cost more lives than all in this continent by natural disasters and epidemics are aggregated deaths. Caused by machete mutilation of any year in recent decades, surpassing the total number of the French Revolution in gerollten Köpfe. Klar, unter diesen Umständen müssen andere Spezies vor unserer Anwesenheit zittern. Hunderte Elefanten sterben wegen ihrer Stoßhörner und tausend andere Spezies auf Grund des Jagdtourismus.
In einigen Ländern Asiens übersteigen Todesfälle in extremer Weise, auf Grund Ermittlung der politisch Abtrünnigen, die bei der Besetzung Iraks ? Gefallenen. Dies wird aber wegen der Kontrolle der öffentlichen Medien verschwiegen. So behalten sich einige wenige den Genus viele zu töten vor. Bezugnehmend auf andere Spezies, werden Jährlich tausende Delphine gefangen um sie dann zu Sushi zu verarbeiten. Das gleiche Schicksal widerfährt Haifischen, denen dann nur die Flosse abgeschnitten wird um dann die so „berühmte“ Haifischsuppe zu bereiten. In den letzten zwanzig Jahren verringerte sich im Pazifischen Ozean der Bestand der Wale um 20%. Ebenso und ohne jegliche Gewissensbisse benutzen einige im Pazifik ansässige Küstenvölker lebende Hunde als Köder, indem sie sie mit dem Kiefer auf dem Angelhaken aufspießen.
Im Norden Europas, in den Niederlanden, werden hunderte einer Vielfalt von Delphinen in einem traditionellen öffentlichen Akt, der die Männlichkeit jugendlicher zum Ausdruck bzw. unter Beweis stellen soll, abgeschlachtet. Weltweit wird dieses Geschehen als „rote Flut“ bezeichnet. Ebenso wurde seitens europäischer Fischer wegen Überfischung of red tuna, this to the brink of extinction and thus placed on the list of endangered species. The killing of all these defenseless animals endangered species if its not the instantaneous is stopped.
. In the West we
grow food for our cows, horses, pigs and donkeys. In India, fortunately, these animals, they are revered. In North America, poaching the stock of buffalo and cougars has reduced the size of small farms and the size of Zoological Gardens. In Central America, has the stock of sea turtles by the careless of the crowd invading their bodies places at the same time of the theft to hatch defined A marketing order which is reduced.
About the accepted domestic animals would be to say that their life expectancy depends on the grace of her protector. The time has come to the decision whether to live or die, have is that this is combined with absolute impunity. And seems to regard the rest of the animal world, as if the over-populated human race has for the future of the reprehensible intention of their invariable extinction. Even if we do not directly or immediately kill, we kill them but the fact that we are destroying their habitat. We therefore take them their food base, therefore they die of exhaustion and starvation.
Wir töten uns gegenseitig und wir töten andere Spezies geleitet durch ein niederträchtiges Gefühl der Habgier, Habsucht, Hochmut, Hass, Rachsucht, Eifersucht und aus der Angst verdrängt zu werden, zudem durch ein krankhaftes Vergnügen geleitet ein anderes Lebewesen in Angst und Schrecken besser noch im Todeskampf und in die Enge getrieben versetzt zu sehen.
Wir Menschen haben uns selbst zu den intelligentesten und überlegensten Wesen dieser Welt gekrönt. Unserer Selbsteinschätzung oder Selbstlob sind wir aber nicht ganz gerecht geworden, denn es fehlt uns, uns auch noch zu den blutrünstigsten und grausamsten Lebewesen zu Krönen. Sicher wäre dann, dass uns bei letzterem keine andere Spezies den Rang ablaufen könnet!
. Lenin
Cardozo / Wolfgang Schwarz Gutenkunst

Sunday, February 20, 2011

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[we2011] aggiornamento OF by EDO

Ho potuto finalmente provare l' OF di EDO , il cui link lo trovate qualche news più sotto (31 Gennaio) o cliccando sul titolo della presente. Vi informo che l'OF è davvero completo nel senso che rende giustizia alla mancanze solite di konami completando i kits mancanti della Premier League (anche per il Palermo che nel gioco base non è licenziato), i nomi corretti delle squadre 'farlocche', gli wen sbloccati al 100%, la conversione dei nomi in minuscolo anzichè maiuscolo, tutte le flags al posto giusto delle squadre senza licenza, e altre cose di minore importanza.
Nel prossimo futuro (in attesa di questa benedetta next-gen) vediamo se riusciremo a rilasciarne una versione con il DataBase aggiornato con i trasferimenti al mercato di Gennaio 2011.
Nel frattempo rinraziate Edo e divertitevi

Friday, February 18, 2011

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who develops a love for pets, has discovered one of the purest feelings associated with emotions. Is to adapt to another being and adapt to living with a different species than human. Without language and intuitive connection. Are we profess eternal affection, unconditional and absolute. From the human perspective, are the children who never grow up, from the perspective of pets, perhaps, we are eternal friends to play and join us.
They (pets) do not understand past or future, just live and enjoy the present with quienes les brindan protección. Presente, donde la emoción principal es esperarnos, recibirnos, buscar nuestra mirada y segundos de atención. La espera puede ser de horas o de décadas, pero siempre nos esperan. Y si no llegamos, hasta el último día de su existencia, mantienen el dolor por la ausencia y la esperanza de volvernos a ver.
En la Ilíada, Argos el perro de Ulises, lo reconoció después de 20 años, y en la emoción muere del corazón. La fabula se hace realidad cuando conocemos la historia de Hachikó, el perro Japonés de Odate, que espero todas las tardes por diez años a la entrada de la estación de tren de Shibuya, a su amo fallecido, hasta que will survive death.
. Egilda
Parra, a researcher of "non-beliefs of science," that in some cultures it is believed that the death of humans who receive them, in that other stage, are pets and that they had completed their life cycle under Protection of such persons and in gratitude to that time, will meet to greet. The symbolism of what is meant by the pet, in many latitudes, is not free. Much of the history of humanity realizes it.
At present, there are villages in Asia, that the death of their owners, pets sacrificed to spare the pain of absence. Fortunately in the West, such practices not exist, but what is certain is that many of these defenseless animals are totally helpless in the absence of death of their protectors.
Pets, and many of its benefits, these are easily integrated into the family or adapted to the solitude of their masters. Stimulate the feeling of companionship, confidence and security. The only interaction with them, we are distracted and eliminates stress. These unique animals, little understanding of disappointments, depressions or our cosmo vision, but they feel or perceive what is happening. His intuition gives them the ability to detect the danger and alert. And if the great dangers we have to refer, with pets get rid of being victims de instintos típicamente humanos como la envidia, soberbia, venganza, crueldad, odio, entre muchos otros. Razón tenía el poeta ingles Lord Byron al sentenciar: “Cuanto más conozco a los hombres, más quiero a mi perro”.
Si aún no ha tenido la oportunidad descubrir el mundo de las mascotas, está a tiempo. Dele a su vida ese privilegio.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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Italian cuisine orecchiette and spinach

Here is one of the wonderful Italian recipes cooking for a good main dish of orecchiette with fennel and spinach yellow.
To prepare this recipe for Italian cuisine as we must first clean the fennel by removing them the torso and all the green parts, after that you must cut the fennel into quarters and in the meantime we heat some water in which we are going to dissolve some saffron along with a pinch of salt.
doing so we are going to cook in the same Pentolina the fennel, cut into wedges for about fifteen minutes.
While the fennel is cooked in the pan in another pan after washing and drying, we skip the spinach along with a bit of garlic and salt to which we will add to completare la nostra ricetta di cucina italiana i finocchi cotti al dente per circa 1 minuto, aggiungendo ad essi un po di panna e il camembert a tocchetti facendolo sciogliere dolcemente.
A questo punto per completare la nostra ricetta italiana non ci resta che bollire le orecchiette e le scoliamo direttamente nella padella in modo che si insaporiscono un po e il notro primo piatto di Cucina italiana e pronto da servire al tavolo.

Monday, February 14, 2011

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Poor people are needed, because the more poor there are, the better!

Stellen Sie sich vor, ein Land, einen Staat oder eine Stadt ohne arme Menschen. Ein Traum? Nein, im Gegenteil, für Politiker wäre dies ein echter Albtraum. Armut kommt jedem zugute. Armut als Muskelmasse kommt besonders denjenigen zugute die sie zum politischen Fortbestand and require the accumulation of wealth. Poverty is good! It is good for Imeprialisten, anti-imperialists, Pitiyankis or anti-Yankees. If it is also about extreme poverty, the better, because then possible to achieve even higher gains.
poverty is obedient, malleable, manipulable, sensitive, emotional, comfortable, naive and very good to be carried by underground and non-earthly hopes. Poverty is a lifestyle. More than physical, it is spiritual poverty she is a collective belief, therefore we are all set legally disabled, unable to appreciate us by our own means to move forward in life. It is perceived as a soporific mental state, der den Körper sich in geradezu inkstinktiver Weise bewegen läßt, um nicht zu sagen, primitiv. Außerdem wächst und reproduziert sich die Armut von alleine, oder sie wird dort hin geführt. Aber welches auch immer die Art und Weise seiner Form ist, immer ist sie nützlich. Jeder, selbst wenn er ein auch noch so kleines Stückchen kontrollierte Armut besitzt, hat ein sicheres Mittel zum Erfolg. Daraus resultiert der Ausspruch: “Sage mir wieviel Armut du beherrscht bzw. kontrollierst und ich sage dir wie groß dein Vermögen ist”.
Aber warum nur soviel Hast? Ganz simpel: Armut zu manipuliren und zu handhaben ist eines der rentabelsten Geschäfte der Welt. Es ist eine sehr große Industry. This means Staastbürger, cheap servant, an army private zombies so eternal followers to possess to be considered for unconditional subordination to their leaders, men, pastors, fathers, and whatever else may call the owner of poverty in general is a promise that the poverty of a day will disappear.
What the poor can not but know that those who least of all interested are poverty bekäpfen be those who promise to fight poverty. Poverty is like the story of the "coconut": Here comes the "Kokosnusss," let us all against the "coconut" fight the guide says and amazed everyone with his Persuade, audacity and courage, but do not eliminate the coconut, because without "coconut" there would be no leader to follow where you could and there would be no sinecures more.
poverty is a fact of which everyone knows but nobody speaks. Even the poor and their co-owners are aware of, but it is hidden and concealed. Each does so as if he had no knowledge of their freely so in this way and without obstacles, the perverse relationship between low-and co-owner can flow. Even the poverty has made her linguistic contribution to humanity by the emergence of new expressions and Eibringung beitrug so z. Bs.: armer Teufel, elendig, abgebrannt, Hungerleider, Habenichts, „no money“, armselige, (lambuceo=Schnorrer, „in cobrito“, pelao=armer Schlucker, muerto de hambre) (cachifas=ungelernte Haushaltskräfte (Hiwi) die unter niedrigsten Bedingungen alle Tätigkeiten ausführen müssen - cachifiando) usw. Mit der Armut wuchs auch eine neue Wissenschaft: Verwaltung bzw. Management der Armut mit ihrer entsprechenden MBP und mit wesentlich mehr Potential als die bisherige und verbrauchte Bussiness Verwaltung von Firmen mit ihrer MBA.
Abschließend Zusammenfassung bzw. Erkenntnis: Wir haben entdeckt, dass die Welt sich nicht in arm und reich teilt. Die Welt teilt sich zwischen der Armut und der Miteigentümern Armut und selbst, dass sich an den die Armut Bestbietenden anschmiegt. Besser gesagt: Armut bequem! Diejenigen, die keiner dieser beiden Kategorien zugehören, sind ganz einfach unangepasste arm.
. Lenin
Cardozo / Wolfgang Schwarz Gutenkunst

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Quien vive, quien muere

The reason for all environmentalist and thinker of the twenty-first century is to defend the right to the gift of life, of all species that inhabit the planet. And as the first target will be the life of challenge that razacentrismo of humanity, which has advocated the right to decide who lives and who dies on this planet.
Among ourselves, inventamos creencias, supuestos buenos modos de vida y a partir de ahí, regimos comportamientos, castigamos o aplicamos las penas de muerte. En el oriente medio, por ejemplo, si la mujer ve televisión sola, o si tiene pareja sin matrimonio o simplemente decide tener sexo, eso le conlleva a castigos que van desde 100 latigazos o morir apedreada en alguna calle de esos pueblos. En nombre, de unas supuestas reglas “superiores” de convivencia, escritas hace siglos, se quitan vidas. Igual con la muerte se castiga a quienes participen en protestas o se señalen de disidentes.
También matamos si tenemos religiones distintas, o ese ha sido el argumento para “justificar”, los genocidios entre los pueblos de la exyugoslavia, por nombrar un caso reciente. La palabra escrita en un libro, que data de una cosmovisión absolutamente desfasada de la actual realidad, tiene el poder de someternos, o de eso se valen para reducirnos. O si políticamente, en regímenes de gobierno no democráticos, no se evidencian lealtades absolutas. Ejecuciones extra sumariales, es lo común, cuando se detenta el poder por la vía de la fuerza o por la autoridad concebida a supuestos linajes otorgados por la gracia divina. Reyes, príncipes, emperadores, presidentes o generales vitalicios, con un simple susurro a uno de sus asistentes, decide el tiempo de vida de quien lo perturbe.
Hay regiones en África, donde the cost of a bullet is superior to a person's life. The lethal combination of powder with lead, has killed more people than the sum of all deaths from disasters and epidemics in Africa. And mutilation with machetes in hand made, of one year of the last decade than all the heads that rolled along the French Revolution. Of course the other species should tremble at our presence. Hundreds of elephants die, to escape its fangs, and thousands of other species for hunting tourism.
In some countries of Asia, the extra deaths trial investigation for political dissent than with maggots to the deaths in the occupation de Irán, solo que se ocultan, el control de los medios de comunicación, lo silencia. Se preserva así, el disfrute de pocos matando a muchos. En cuanto a las otras especies, decenas de miles de delfines al año, son capturados para transformarlos en sushi. Un mismo destino sufren miles de tiburones, donde el mayor interés es cortarle su aleta dorsal para hacer la “famosa” sopa de aleta de tiburone. En los últimos 20 años, en el océano pacifico la población de ballena se redujo a un 20%. Igual y sin ningún remordimiento, algunos pueblos costeros del pacifico, usan de carnada para pesca, perros vivos atravesados en sus mandíbulas por sendos anzuelos.
Al norte de Europa, in the Netherlands, kill hundreds in a variety of dolphins in a public event, to continue a tradition and prove their manhood among young people. Globally this activity is known as "red tide." Similarly, overhunting European tuna bluefin tuna, leaving it in the list of endangered species. Also, without words, the agreement made between Canada and China to export seal blubber. The killing of these innocent animals, far from stopping, now the interest for their fat compromises their existence, eliminating turn to one of the key nutrients in the food chain of polar bears.
In the West criamos para nuestro consumo: Vacas, caballos, cerdos y burros. En la India, para suerte de esas especies, las veneran. En Norteamérica, la caza furtiva, redujo las poblaciones de búfalos y pumas a pequeñas granjas y zoológicos respectivamente. En Centroamérica, cada vez se reduce más la población de tortugas marinas, debido, a que las playas utilizadas por esta especie para su desove, es intervenida por muchedumbres sin control, que buscan sus huevos con fines comerciales.
Sobre los animales aceptados como mascotas, sus expectativas de vida dependen de quien las protejas. Ahí la impunidad es absoluta a la hora de decidir si viven o mueren. Y en cuanto al resto de la fauna, la super poblada raza humana pareciera que tiene la vil misión a futuro, de acabarla, sin excepción. Si no los matamos directamente, intervenimos sus hábitats, dejándoles sin alimentos, condenándolos así, a morir por inanición.
Nos matamos y matamos a las otras especies guiados por innobles sentimientos. Avaricia, codicia, lucro, soberbia, odio, venganza, celo, miedo a ser desplazados, placer y morbo al ver o sentir al otro ser acorralado, aterrorizado o en agonía.
Los humanos, nos autodistinguimos como los seres más inteligentes y superiores del planeta. Pero nos quedamos cortos, en nuestros halagos, nos falto, autocoronarnos también, como los más crueles y sanguinarios de la tierra. Ahí seguro, que ninguna especie nos ganaría!

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fennel yellow carrots and fennel salad with chervil

Ecco a voi una buonissima ricetta per preparare un semplice e veloce insalata con carote e finocchi al cervoglio.
Ingredienti Ricette Cucina per 4 persone:
4 carote novelleù
4 cuori di finocchio
100 di panna
3 cucchiaini di cerfoglio e un pizzico di sale.
Dopo aver mondato e lavato le verduara bisogna tagliare le nostre 4 carote a rondelle lunghe e sottili, dopodiche non ci resta che pulire i nostri cuori di finocchio e li diporremo su un semplice piatto da portata alternado i nostri finocchi con le nostre carote.
Dopo diche non ci resta che lavare, asciugare e tritare il nostro cerfoglio e metterlo in una ciotolina aggiungendo ad esso un po di panna, un pizzico di sale e mescoliamo il tutto per farlo amalgamare, dopodiche non resta che versare la salsa sulla nostra insalata che è pronta per essere servita.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

How Much To Estimate Catering For Hor Dourves

[pes2011] Patch 'AYNIH' by Il Barca

Acronimo di "all you need is here" (qui potete trovare tutto quello che vi serve per giocare decently) is a small (in file size) coupled OFA patch released in recent days following allows you to play the 'I' of the true master of the 'database': The Boat .

The characteristics of this work are as follows:

  • preserved all the players of the original DB Konami
  • improved kit in the Premier League
  • improved kit not graduates of the English Liga
  • improved kit Palermo
  • created Wolfsburg, 04 Shalke, Bayern Leverkusen and Borussia Dortmund
  • created more than 150 players
  • reviewed aspects and hair di oltre 400 giocatori
  • riviste le formazioni iniziali di tutta la Serie A, la Premier, la Liga e varie europee
  • sistemate tutte le numerazioni e assegnati correttamente i capitani alle squadre
  • roster e mercato aggiornati ad oggi di tutte le squadre del gioco

LINK: 'AYNIH' by Il Barca

Friday, February 11, 2011

What To Write In A Tombstone

Interviw with Jacques Coustau

Jacques, now that you would be 101 years old, in a world in which present and future so enthusiastic and inspiring people of heroic deeds as you are required, which up to a great ecologists of the twentieth. Century, the greatest scientists of the depths of the oceans, the protector of whales and octopus, with more than 50 publications on the most widely writers in the field of maritime life, generations to study and research of marine fauna and flora inspired, looking up because of your persistent battle to protect environmental summit in Rio the world to the center of public attention, made the French of all Frenchmen and as popular as Napoleon Bonaparte or more, are the simple and modest man, great husband, father, Captain Planet all time, how would you define yourself?
I would compare myself as an actor or with Ronald Reagan's first acts before becoming politicians. As a young man I was trying to get roles as an actor. Since in this case but I had no luck, I turned to the sea creatures until I got the opportunity I production in the 50s, 60s, 70 Jaren un devote most-watched reality shows led. In agreement with Hollywood, I agreed to the production of films about the oceans, where I am because of the acceptance by the public in these reports was to find sponsors who helped me then to the big breakthrough on the small and big screens.
But no one can mistake that you are a great environmentalist, scientist, protector of whales and octopuses and widespread writer of marine life with more than 50 publications?
No, that's not true, none of this is true. All this was just a Inzenierung. For the film producers, it was a difficult time and it different things were needed to the enthusiasm of the audience and as the theme of travel and the marine life called Aufnmerksamkeit very large, the investors have the conversation set on this card and so we went out to film, but even with prescribed manuscripts.
. Would respect the scientific Temas me clarify that important and serious work was not carried out with due scientific diligence. This work was not commercial enough and therefore was not invested in it, but in books of maritime photographs and the like.
Regarding the conservation of wildlife, so the whales and octopus that was not true. In many cases it was only to use of that species for the purpose of dramatic characters in the movies. If necessary we made the whales aggressively to increase the tension. I dedaure much so that many of them died in the Drehabrbeiten. Of the Kraken I can only say that what I liked most about them, they had to eat. I have prepared the way uteschiedlichste.
in my life I have not written a book inziges own hand. Since I was famous I have manuscripts occurred from less successful writers, which I then submitted a registration application to act as co-author and me, the content of the books I liked finance these books, they would give me the Erscheinen meines Fotos auf der Titelseite erlaubten. So kam es dazu, dass im Verlauf der Zeit bis zu 50 Bücher veröffentlich wurden. Da ich merkte, dass die Bücher keinen großen Umsatz erbrachten und ich dabei an Geld verlor, wollte ich nicht mehr.
Sie haben bis zum Schluß große Beiträge geleistet, besonders wenn es um das wecken des Bewahrer Bewusstseins ging. In der letzten Etappe ihres Lebens waren sie sehr aktiv wenn es sich um die Proteste gegen radioktive Abfälle handelte, ebenso als sie auf dem Gipfel in Rio Präsens zeigten. Das ist von sehr großem Wert für all die Menschen, die es sich heutzutage zur Aufgabe gemacht haben die Umwelt zu verteidigen?
An diesen Tagen war meine Popularität am Boden und wir mußten die weltweite Aufmerksamkeit rufen, um zu sehen ob wir Investroren für die Stiftung die meinen Name trug zu finden. Wir hatten einige neue Projekte und Expeditionen vor, aber es fehlte das Geld. Auch ich selbst hatte die Notwendigkeit meinen eigenen Lebensstil zu unterhalten den ich ja über Jahrzehnte führte, aber trotz aller Bemühungen konnte ich nicht viel erreichen. Inzwischen waren die Dinge nicht mehr so wie früher. Es gab nun viel mehr Alternativen im Bereich der Unterhaltung, als meine Reisen über die Meere.
Und abschließend wäre noch zu sagen, dass ich weder ein schlichter noch bescheidener Mensch war, bitte bedenken You see, I was French. The French think of themselves that they are the best of the entire planet. The Captain Planet I agree with, not because of my real merit, but because it sounds good. There is a certain person of my rank. It feels superior!
final word of the interviewer:
The French have the phrase, "Le contraire de lui-même" appeared. That means something like: "Contrasting his own." We may believe that something similar happens with Jacques Cousteau. There are those who have never done in life hero or anti hero, or have thought that their kreativen Taten aus ihnen danach ein Legat machen würden. Jacques Hingabe und sein Aufwand haben dazu geführt ihn zu einem der wichtigsten Merkzeichen des 20. Jahrhunderts zu machen. Seine Verfilmungen, seine Fotos und seine Erinnerungen mit Hollywood haben zu einer weltweiten Bekanntmachung des maritimen Lebens geführt. Das ist sein großes Erbe. Seiner Beharrlichkeit und das was sein Lebensprojekt war, dem zollen wir mit diesem Artikkel Tribut.
Für Lenin Cardozo / Wolfgang Schwarz

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Power Falier Exception

Renewable Energies: Opportunities in Latin America and the Caribbean

Lateinamerika und die Karibik als Subkontinent eint alle Bedingungen, um die nächste führende Region der Welt für erneuerbare Energien zu werden. Hierführ bereiten sie sich in dem Degree before they develop alternative technologies and prepare, with the objective of greater participatory involvement of renewable energies in the energy mix, they also include a significant influx of new investments in the coming years. This indicated the report by Bloomberg, New Energy Finance, a global provider of research data in clean energy
This report shows that "combines the political stability and economic growth with the growing concern about the security of energy supply and climate change, have put in place the conditions geiegnet." Because of this and with already for this renewable Energien und Biokraftstoffe implementierten bzw. auf dem Weg der Verabschiedung politischen Entscheidungen als Rückenlehne, ist diese Subregion für das Eintreffen von Öko-Investitionen, hinsichtlich des Ernegiebereichs, bereit.
Zudem weisen Studien der UNO zugeteilter Energiekommission auf einen Zuwachs der Investitionen für erneuerbare und saubere Energien in Lateinamerika und der Karikik hin. In diesem Bericht wird geschätzt, dass das Jahr 2011 ein Rekordjahr für die Investitionen im Bereich der Windenergie und Biokraftstoffe werden wird.
Das Jahr 2010 war ein Rekordjahr bei der Aufstellung von Windparks in der Region, mit einer Kapazität von mehr als 736 Megawatt und mit einer akkumulierten Leistung von 1.4 Gigawatt. Es wir prognostiziert, dass die für das Jahr 2015 in Argentinien, Brasilien und Chile akkumulierte Kapazität bei etwa 8 Gigawatt liegen wird. Es wird geschätzt, dass die soziale und umweltbedingte Bangigkeit den Wachstum in der Wasserenergie in großem Stil aufhalten und dazu zwingen wird, die Quellen der Energie zu vareieren.
Ein anderer Schlüsselpunkt der Analyse ist, dass die Biokraftstoffe einen wichtigen Subsektor der sauberen Energien in der Region darstellen. Brasilien und Argentinien haben bereits Systeme eingeführt und es gibt Industrien, die mit der Gewinnung des Biokratstoffes begonnen haben, so wie im Fall von Kolumbien und Peru.
Wir können Bemühungen wie die von Chile hervorheben, wo die Beteiligung an erneuerbaren Energien angesichts des Energiekompromisses auf Grund der Nachfrage auch wenn etwas bescheiden, bereits begonnen hat. Nichtsdestotrotz werden gegenwärtig 300 Megawatt der total instalierten 12.000 erzeugt. Die Entscheidung der Regierung ist es das die erneuerbaren Energien dazu beitragen sollen Chiles Energie Matrize zu vereiiren und dadurch die hohe Abhängigkeit von ausländischen Krafzstoffen zu verringern.
In Brasilien ist die Entwicklung von erneuerbaren Energien sehr fortgeschritten. Brasilien begann im Jahr 2002 ein Programm von alternativen Quellen zu entwickeln. Gegenwärtig werden 60% in Projekte für alternative Energien im Bereich Biomasse zentriert, Projekte die ab 2011 signifikante Resultate erbringen werden. Die Brasilianer setzen auf die Technologie der Biomasse.
Regionale Erfahrungen Mittelamerikas und der Karibik zeigen, dass die karibische Gemeinschaft an der Schaffung einer Finanzstruktur arbeitet, um den Markt für erneuerbare Energien zu erweitern. Beispiel hierfür ist der Windpark in Wigton und Jamaika, der im Mai 2004 in Betrieb gesetzt wurde. Die Windenergie ist einer der zentralen Absichten der jamaikanischen Regierung, deren Bestrebung für das Jahr 2020 es ist, 15% der erneuerbare Energien zu besitzen.
Die in der Arequipa Region Perus installierten Solarzellen können als wahrer Erfolg bezeichnet werden. Dort wurden 10.092 Thermen freigegeben (dies entspricht einer installierten Totalkapazität von 6.7 Megawatt). Außerdem würde es somit mehr als 19.600 installierter photovoltaischer Module geben.
Seit 1996 hat Costa Rica mit der Inbetriebsetzung seines Windparks begonnen und hat somit, seine Führung in Lateinamerika im Bereich Windenergie übernommen. Mit 62.3 Megawatt in vier installierter Anlagen (davon drei private und eine im Besitz des Costaricanischen Elektrizität Institutes), erzeugt es eine Leistung von 180 Gigawatt elektrische Energie pro Jahr.
Cuba begann im Jahr 2000 mittels Solarzellen mit der elektrischen Versorgung von ländlichen Schulen. Die kubanische Regierung finanzierte auf direkter Weise die Förderung eines Programms zur Elektrifizierung anhand Photovoltaikanlagen.
In weniger als einem Jahr wurden 1994 Solaranlagen an Schulen installiert, wovon 34.000 Kinder in den ländlichen Gebieten profitieren konnten.
México hat zwei wichtige assoziierte Programme zur Erzeugung von Solarenergie mittels der Nutzung von selbst gebauter Photovoltaikzellen die auf eigene Technik basieren. Das erste, ausgeführt in den sechziger Jahren, assoziiert sich mit propietäre Technologie. Die in ländlichen Gebieten befindlichen Klassenzimmer erhalten über einen mit durch Solarzellen erzeugte Elektrizität betriebenen Fernseher, dass übermittelte Signal. Das zweite Programm nennt sich „Erneuerbare Energie für die Landwirtschaft“. Hier handelt es sich um auf die landwirtschaftliche Anwendung ausgerichtete Anlagen, die entwickelt werden (für das pumpen von Wasser und Systeme zur Kühlung von Nahrungsmitteln) für ländlich Gebieten die abseits der Versorgung des elektrischen Netzwerk liegen, hauptsächlich im Staate von Chihuahua im Norden von Mexico.
Lateinamerika und die Karibik schreiten mit sicherem Schritt voran und erreichen somit gegenwärtig 23% der erneuerbaren Energien ihrer Gesamtproduktion an der Energieversorgung.
Lenin Cardozo / Wolfgang Schwarz Gutenkunst

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Kamehasutra Full Comic

Careers with energia geotermica in America Latina e nei Caraibi

America Latina e nei Caraibi, sono integrati transizione decarbonizzato energia con lo sviluppo dell'energia eolica, fotovoltaica, solare termico, geotermico e l'accettazione di auto elettriche con batterie al litio. Anche con i grandi benefici di ciascuna di queste energia nobile, molto particolare, sta crescendo a passi da gigante nelle due regioni, come ad esempio l'utilizzo di energia geotermica. Essendo questo un processo naturale rinnovabile, attraverso il quale utilizza il calore generato nel centro della terra (magma) per produrre vapore ad una condizioni di temperatura e pressione selezionata, consentendo di spingere un sistema costituito da una turbina a vapore accoppiata un generatore elettrico.
Come punti di vista, l'energia geotermica si trovano in geyser, vulcani, sorgenti termali, tra gli altri. La sua forza principale è che questa tecnologia è accessibile 24 ore x 7 giorni alla settimana, eliminando i problemi di variabilità associata con altre tecnologie, come l'energia solare ed eolica. È una energia pulita in quanto il vapore dei rifiuti dopo la generazione di elettricità può essere condensato e reiniettato di nuovo nel serbatoio, per avviare un nuovo ciclo di produzione di energia. Oltre alla sua versatilità, può produrre energia elettrica, per fornire acqua calda per uso industriale o indiretta mediante pompe di calore geotermiche.
Questa fonte di energia è un altro grande vantaggio, che è quasi inesauribile dal calore costante all'interno della Terra e di ottenere acqua dolce e salata come sottoprodotto, e il suo impatto per uso non combustibile.
Geothermal power plant in America is the second most important source of renewable energy in the region. To date there has been progress in both research and development and exploitation of resources is estimated that the exploitable potential of this resource in the Central American region is of the order of 5000 MW distributed among Costa Rica, Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua, in the case Panama and Honduras, there are only preliminary estimates, but the similarity of the geological-tectonic with respect to neighboring countries, indicates that there are potential resources for electricity generation.
Costa Rica, for example, has initiated the exploration of two reservoirs of steam in the West, in order to install air geotermici ci Il Palias II e Borinquen. Stima di 1,5 milioni di dollari per investire nel materiale necessario per fare 10 perforazioni esplorative, che può arrivare fino a 3.000 metri. Una stima del potenziale geotermico è 865 MW. Il Guatemala è un'altra nazione in materia geotermica, che mira a generare il 60% del suo fabbisogno di energia elettrica attraverso centrali geotermiche entro il 2022. El Salvador ha già due centrali geotermiche principali potere: quello di Berlino, Usulután e la seconda in Ahuachapán, che fornisce il 26% (180 MW) del consumo totale di energia di quella nazione. In Nicaragua, campo geotermico, ha iniziato la prima fase prevede la perforazione di pozzi di iniezione di acqua e di pozzi che producono vapore sufficiente per la generazione di energia, la costruzione di torri di raffreddamento, un impianto per la distribuzione elettrica e l'installazione di turbine Queste attività sono parte del progetto San Jacinto Tizate, attuato da Polaris Energia Nicaragua, che spera di creare con le sue due turbine di 72 MW.
Nei Caraibi, le due isole che compongono la Federazione di Saint Kitts e Nevis hanno recentemente scoperto diversi siti geotermici che avrebbero fornito 50 MW di energia pulita. Poiché le esigenze dei consumatori sono solo 10 MW, queste due isole sono chiamati a diventare il primo paese al mondo a emissioni zero. Oltre a entrare nel paese l'autosufficienza energetica, St. Kitts e Nevis esportare il surplus di energia prodotta da altri paesi dei Caraibi.
Inoltre, Dominica, ha avviato iniziative per l'esplorazione geotermica in Soufriere. I risultati ad oggi sono abbastanza favorevole a incoraggiare gli investitori nello sviluppo di progetti di questo tipo di energia. Santa Lucia svolge la stessa attività, in accordo con la società statunitense Energy Qualibou sviluppare centrali geotermiche, che insieme hanno una capacità di 120 MW, sufficiente per l'isola di 175.000 abitanti, l'uso e l'esportazione. Circa 1 / 3 dell'energia prodotta viene utilizzata sulla stessa isola, il resto verrà esportato nella vicina Martinica da un cavo sottomarino.
In Sud America, il Cile ha un elevato potenziale geotermico di being in the zone of volcanic activity known as the Ring of Fire, in the Pacific. Which allowed the initiation of exploration activities, with the private sector to identify investment proposals. To do this, assign the grant of 17 geothermal areas and 9 companies with an investment of over 106 million dollars over the next two years. Like Colombia, is conducting feasibility studies in the area surrounding the volcano Nevado del Ruiz. The project, in principle, at a cost of $ 190 million and includes the implementation of feasibility studies, environmental and financial, for the drilling of exploration, production drilling, the adequacy of access infrastructure, connection to the network transmission nazionale , fornitura di attrezzature, costruzione di impianti e gestione commerciale.
Un'altra fonte importante di energia geotermica Sud America, si trova in Bolivia, nella Laguna Colorada, situata nel dipartimento andino di Potosí (sud-ovest), confinante con il Cile. Con un potenziale stimato di 6500 megawatt (Mw), l'Ecuador appare come il potere della geotermia come opzione nel breve termine. Per fare ciò, il progetto di Carchi, che è parte di un piano binazionale in Colombia, perché il sito è al confine tra i due paesi. potenziale stimato del Perù per generare elettricità con l'energia geotermica da sorgenti di acqua calda, è di circa 3.000 megawatt (MW). Tale importo è was estimated by Japanese experts and announced that in the south and began his studies for power generation in geothermal fields and hot borate deposits in the department of Tacna. According to feasibility studies presented, the potential for power generation of both fields is 150 Mw, 100 Mw and Hot borate deposits would provide 50 MW.
. Argentina
estimated installed for the current year, the first geothermal power plant. This facility will be located in the uninhabited area in the Valle del Cura (Church) about 370 km from the city and contribute to the electrical system of the province of San Juan 5 megawatts at an early stage, with an initial investment of U.S. $ 2 7 million for operations exploration which start today and 5 million euro for the construction of the plant. Furthermore, to be announced immediate expansion in the second phase, to increase energy production of 150 megawatts.
In Venezuela, east of the country has the highest geothermal potential. A generation of energy estimated at 150 MW. Since the first engineering have been launched and there is a high interest from the private sector, national and international, to invest in the development of these energy plans.
With geothermal energy, Latin America and the Caribbean are protected by the warmth of Mother Nature. Everything indicates that we have unlimited power to develop e fanno di noi un grande continente.
Energia pulita per salvare il pianeta sarà la parola d'ordine del nuovo secolo!
Da: Lenin Cardozo/ José Forgione.

Pocket Oxford English Dictionary Register

energy rinnovabili: opportunità in America Latina e nei Caraibi

America Latina e nei Caraibi, come un subcontinente, ha tutte le condizioni per essere la regione prossima al mondo Per condurre la energetiche rinnovabili per esso, si preparano a sviluppare e diffondere tecnologie alternative in modo da avere una maggiore partecipazione delle energie rinnovabili all'interno del mix energetico. Inoltre, con un grande afflusso di nuovi afflussi di investimenti nei prossimi anni. Quindi, ciò che la relazione di Bloomberg New Energy Finance, un fornitore di dati di ricerca e energia pulita in tutto il mondo.
Questo rapporto indica che "la stabilità politica e crescita economica, combinata con le crescenti preoccupazioni circa la sicurezza energetica ei cambiamenti climatici hanno creato le giuste condizioni". Quindi, già in atto politiche di sostegno alle energie rinnovabili e dei biocarburanti, o sulla pista da prendere, questa sub-regione è pronta per l'arrivo degli eco-investimenti nel settore dell'energia.
Allo stesso modo, gli studi sulle energie rinnovabili Comitato attaccato alle Nazioni Unite, indicano una crescita costante degli investimenti in energia pulita, in America Latina e nei Caraibi, in particolare l'energia wind. In this report, it is estimated that 2011 promises to be a record year for investments in wind and biofuels.
The 2010 was a record year for the installation of wind farms in the region, with over 736MW, and a cumulative capacity reaches 1.4GW. It is expected that by 2015, the cumulative capacity in Argentina, Brazil and Chile will be in order 8GW. Moreover, it is estimated that the environmental and social concerns that prevent the growth of large-scale hydroelectric power, forcing then to diversify sources of energy.
Another key point of the analysis is that biofuels are an important area of \u200b\u200bclean energy in the region. Brasile e Argentina hanno già installato sistemi e non ci sono industrie che ha iniziato la produzione di biocarburanti, come è il caso della Colombia e del Perù. La possibilità di sviluppare l'energia da biomassa è ancora un enorme potenziale in America Latina, nei paesi con abbondante terra e altre risorse.
Si evidenzia gli sforzi come il Cile, dove la quota di energie rinnovabili è iniziata, se si desidera un po 'modesto, rispetto a energia che richiede impegno. Tuttavia, questo genererà 300 MW di capacità totale installata di 12.000. La decisione del governo è che le energie rinnovabili permette di diversificare la matrice energetica del Cile e ridurre la forte dipendenza dai carburanti dall'estero.
In Brasile lo sviluppo delle energie rinnovabili è molto avanzato. Il Brasile ha iniziato un programma di sviluppo delle fonti alternative entro il 2002. Attualmente, il 60 per cento concentrato i loro progetti sulle energie alternative ai progetti biomasse comincerà a dare risultati significativi nel 2011. Il brasiliano è puntata sulla tecnologia delle biomasse.
Esperienze regionali dell'America Centrale e dei Caraibi, è sufficiente mostrare che la comunità caraibica sta lavorando per creare una struttura finanziaria per espandere il mercato delle energie rinnovabili. Esempio, il parco eolico Wigton in Giamaica, che ha iniziato l'attività nel maggio 2004. L'energia eolica is the greatest challenge for the Jamaican Government, which aims to have a 15% renewable energy by 2020.
in Peru may be described as a successful installation of solar hot water springs in the area of \u200b\u200bArequipa, where 10 092 have been issued bathrooms (which corresponds to about 6.7 MW of total installed capacity). Even in Peru would be more than 19,600 photovoltaic modules installed.
Costa Rica, since 1996, started operations of its wind farm, the country has maintained its leadership in Latin America in terms of capacity for electricity generation from wind. With 62.3 MW installed in four plants (three private and one Instituto Costarricense de owned Electricidad) and a capacity to generate over 180 GWh of electricity per year. Costa Rica is an important case study for the use of renewable energy in the region.
Cuba beginning in 2000, the electrification of rural schools with solar systems. The Cuban government has directly funded a program of electrification by solar panels. In less than a year, solar systems were installed in 1994 schools, thereby benefiting 34 000 children in rural areas.
Mexico has two major programs related to the use of solar energy through the use of photovoltaic cells built with technology proprietaria. Il primo, realizzato negli anni settanta, è legato alle aule di tele-secondaria si trova in zone rurali che si basano su un segnale di arrivare a un televisore alimentato da elettricità generata da fotocellule. Il secondo programma, denominato "Programma per le energie rinnovabili per l'agricoltura", dove sviluppare servizi orientati alle applicazioni agricole (pompaggio dell'acqua e sistemi di raffreddamento per la conservazione alimentare) in località rurali al di fuori della griglia, in particolare nello Stato di Chihuahua, Messico settentrionale.
America Latina e Caraibi, avanzando con passi sicuri, ottenendo in questo, il 23 per cento di energie rinnovabili, la produzione totale di energia.
Da: Lenin Cardozo/ José Forgione

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sunlightdish Soapcontain Ammonia

opportunities of geothermal energy in Latin America and the Caribbean Renewable

Latin America and the Caribbean are integrated in the decarbonised energy transition with the development of wind energy, photovoltaic, solar thermal, geothermal energy and the acceptance of electric cars with lithium batteries.

Even with the great benefits of each one of these noble energies, one in particular is growing by leaps and bounds in the two regions, such as the use of geothermal energy. This one is being a renewable natural process through make the most useful of the heat generated in the central earth (magma) to produce steam at a particular temperature and pressure conditions, allowing it to push a system consisting in a steam turbine coupled to a electric generator.

As visible points, geothermal is found in geysers, volcanoes, hot springs, among others. Its main strength is that this technology is accessible 24 hours x 7 days a week, eliminating the problems of variability associated with other technologies such as solar and eolian energy. Is a clean energy because the waste steam after generating electricity can be condensed and reinjected back into the reservoir, in order to start a new cycle of energy production. In addition to its versatility due to it can produce electricity, provide hot water or indirect industrial use by using geothermal heat pumps.

This energy source has as another great advantage, which is almost inexhaustible by the constant heat within the Earth and by obtaining of fresh water and salts as a sub product, and its impact for the non-fuel use.

In Central America the Geothermal constitute the second most important renewable energy source in the region. To date there has been progress such as the investigation, development and exploitation potential of this resource and it is estimated in Central American region in the order of 5000 MW distributed among Costa Rica, Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua; in the case of Panama and Honduras, there are only preliminary estimates, but the similarity of the geological-tectonic conditions versus its neighboring countries, indicates that there are potential resources for electricity generation.

Costa Rica , for example, has initiated the exploration of 2 steam deposits in the west, with the aim to install there the geothermal plants, The Palias II and Borinquen. They estimated 1.5 million dollars to invest in the necessary materials to make 10 exploratory drilling, which can reach up to 3,000 meters. An estimated geothermal potential is 865 MW. Guatemala is another reference of geothermal nation, which aims to generate 60% of its electricity needs through geothermal power plants by the year of 2.022. El Salvador already has two major geothermal power plants: one in Berlin, Usulután and the second one in Ahuachapán, which provides the 26% (180 MW) of total energy consumption of that nation. In Nicaragua, in geothermal field, started the first stage envisages the drilling of re injection water wells and wells that produce enough steam for power generation, the construction of cooling towers, a plant to distribute power and turbine installation These activities are part of the San Jacinto Tizate project, implemented by Polaris Energy Nicaragua, which hopes to generate with its two 72 MW turbines.

In the Caribbean, the two islands that constitute the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis have recently discovered several geothermal sites that they would provide 50 MW of clean energy. As consumer needs are only 10 MW, these two islands are called to become the first country in the world with zero emissions. In addition to becoming energy self-sufficient country, St. Kitts and Nevis will export the surplus energy produced to other Caribbean nations.

Also, Dominica, has initiated efforts in geothermal exploration in Soufriere. Up to date the results are good enough to encourage investors in developing projects of this type of energy. The same activity is perform by Santa Lucia, in agreement with the U.S. company Qualibou Energy who develop geothermal power plants that combine will have a capacity of 120 MW, enough for the island of 175,000 inhabitants, the use and export. About 1 / 3 of the energy generated will be used on the same island. The rest will be exported to Martinique by an underwater cable.

In South America, Chile has a high geothermal potential due to is located in the area of volcanic activity known as the Ring of Fire, in the Pacific, which allowed the initiation of exploration activities, with the private sector to identify investment proposals. To do this, there were assigned in concession 17 geothermal areas and nine companies with an investment of more than 106 million dollars over the next two years. Colombia too, is conducting feasibility studies in the area surrounding the volcano Nevado del Ruiz. The project, in principle, has a cost of $ 190 million and includes the completion of feasibility studies, environmental and financial, exploration drilling, production drilling, infrastructure adequacy of access, connection to the national transmission system, supply of equipment, plant construction and commercial operation.

Another important source of geothermal South America, is found in Bolivia, in the Laguna Colorada, that is located in the Andean department of Potosí (southwest), bordering with Chile. With an estimated potential of 6500 megawatts (Mw), Ecuador looks like the power of geothermal energy as an option in the short term. For that, is developing the draft Carchi which is part of a binational plan with Colombia, because the site is on the border between the two countries. Peru's estimated potential to generate electricity with geothermal energy from hot springs, is about 3,000 megawatts (MW). This amount has been estimated by Japanese experts and announced in the south of the country that began studies for power generation in geothermal Borate fields and Hot Borate deposits in the department of Tacna. According to feasibility studies presented, the electricity generation potential of both fields is 150 Mw, 100 Mw and Hot borate deposits would provide 50 MW.

Argentina estimated installed for the current year, the first geothermal power plant. This plant will be located in the unpopulated area in the Valle del Cura (Church) about 370 kilometers from the city and contribute to the electrical system of the province of San Juan 5 megawatts at an early stage, with an initial investment of 7 million U.S. $ 2 for exploratory tasks that start today and 5 million for the construction of the plant. Also, to be announced immediate expansion in the second stage, up to increase power generation to 150 megawatts.

Venezuela , in the east of the country has the highest geothermal potential. Estimate an energy generation in the order of 150 Mw. The first engineering has been initiated and there is a high interest from the private sector, national and international, to invest in the development of these energy plans.

With geothermal energy, Latin America and the Caribbean are bundle up your child from the heat of Mother Nature. Everything indicates that we have unlimited power to develop and make us a great continent.

Clean energy to save the planet will be the watchword of the new century!

Alice In Wonderland Wedding

Energy: Opportunities in Latin America and the Caribbean

Latin America and the Caribbean as a subcontinent has all the conditions to be the next region in the world to lead the renewable energy; for it, they are preparing themselves to develop and disseminate alternative technologies in order to have greater participation of renewable energy within the energy mix; apart from dispose with a large influx of new investment inflows in the coming years. It is indicates by the Bloomberg New Energy Finance report, a provider of research data and clean energy worldwide.

This report indicates that "the political stability and economic growth combined with growing concerns about energy security and climate change have created the right conditions." Hence, already implemented policies to support renewable energy and bio fuels, or on track to be taken, this sub region is ready for the arrival of the eco-investment in energy.

Likewise, studies of the Renewable Energy Committee attached to the UN, indicates a steady growth in clean energy investment in Latin America and the Caribbean, especially eolian power. In this report, it is estimated that 2011 promises to be a record year for investment in the eolian and bio fuels.

The 2010 was a record year for installation of eolian farms in the region, with over 736MW, and a cumulative capacity reaches 1.4GW. It predicts that by 2015, the cumulative capacity in Argentina, Brazil and Chile will be in the order of 8GW. Also, it is estimated that environmental and social concerns will prevent the growth of large-scale hydropower, forcing then to diversify energy sources.

Another key point in the analysis is that bio fuels are an important sub sector of clean energy in the region. Brazil and Argentina have already deployed systems and there are industries that started the production of bio fuels, as is the case of Colombia and Peru. The opportunity to develop biomass energy is still enormous potential in Latin America, in countries with abundant land and other resources.

We can highlight efforts such as Chile, where the share of renewable energy has begun if you want a little modest, compared to energy that demands commitment. However, this will generate 300 MW of total installed capacity of 12,000. The Government's decision is that renewable energy has to contribute to help diversify Chile's energy matrix and reduce the high dependence on fuel from abroad.

In Brazil the development of renewable energy is very advanced. Brazil began a program to develop alternative sources by 2002. Currently, 60 percent focused their projects on alternative energy in the biomass projects will begin to give significant results in 2011. The Brazilian's bet is on the technology of biomass.

The regional experiences located in Central America and the Caribbean just show us that the Caribbean community is working to create a financial structure to expand the renewable energy market. For example, the Wigton eolic farm in Jamaica, which began operations in May 2004. Wind power is the main challenge of the Jamaican government, which aims to have a 15% of renewable energy by 2020.

In Peru may be mentioned as a success the installation of solar hot springs in the area of Arequipa, where 10 092 have been released baths (which corresponds to about 6.7 MW of total installed capacity). Also in Peru would be more than 19 600 PV modules installed.

Costa Rica , since 1996, has started operations of its eolian farm, the country has maintained its leadership in Latin America in terms of electricity generation capacity from wind. Due to the 62.3 MW installed in four plants (three private and one Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad property) and a capacity to generate electricity over 180 GWh / year, Costa Rica is an important study case in the use of renewable energy sources in the region.

Cuba began in the year 2000, the electrification of rural schools with solar systems. The Cuban government directly funded a program of electrification by photovoltaic panels. In less than a year, solar systems were installed in 1 994 schools, thereby benefiting 34 000 children in rural areas.

Mexico has two major programs related with the use of solar energy through the use of photovoltaic cells built with proprietary technology. The first, implemented in the seventies, is related to the secondary schools system consisting of classrooms located in rural areas that rely on a signal arriving at a TV that runs on electricity generated by photocells. The second program, called "Renewable Energy Program for Agriculture", where they develop facilities geared to agricultural applications (water pumping and cooling systems for food preservation) in rural locations outside the grid, particularly in the State of Chihuahua, northern Mexico.

Latin America and the Caribbean are advancing with sure steps, achieving in the present a 23 percent of renewable energy from the total energy production.

Beste Subnotebook 2010

[pes2011] OF Barça Finale 2011

Ennesimo lavoro del grande Il Barca per la versione 2011 di Pro Evolution Soccer 2011, estremamente completo e ricco di dettagli questo Option File è da applicare alla versione liscia del gioco. Per le caratteristiche del FO vi rimando al link ufficiale aperto su Omnibus Rebus.

LINK: Barça Finale 2011

Monday, February 7, 2011

Who Is Making Riken Tires

Half-Truths: Obama and Chavez together for the environment

The visible disasters that will come and the alterations products which today suffers the world due to climate change, finally overcame the ideological barriers.
Obama consulted his advisers and they agreed in call to Chavez and asked him to join them and together save America. Chavez consulted his advisers and decided to accept, as long as Cuba blockade was lifted and give back Guantanamo and Fidel incorporation in the continental salvation equipment. To an overriding interest, the U.S. Senate unanimously voted to requests proposals by the Bolivarian President and consequently the agreement was signed; it includes not more intervention in Latin American territory, and as a brothers set to work to defend what it will come.
The first meeting to evaluate the environmental contingencies that could occur at any moment was held at Government House in the city of La Havana since Fidel was a little frail and preferred not to travel to Washington. For logistic facilities Obama took up residence in La Havana, for a whole week and by the way, take some rest and enjoy the famous Caribbean beaches. The world had welcomed that gesture.
At that meeting, they discussed strategic issues to address climate changes, their impacts and measures to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases in America. All of them were coincidence that the continent is suffering severe storms that have caused major impressive disasters. United States, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Colombia, Brazil and Venezuela, have been victims of step disproportionate rain storms and strong winds. Casualties, displaced thousands, destruction, flooding and heavy damage has been part of the consequences. America also agreed that if it was going to accept checks at specific times to lower emissions and would be ensure the use of clean technologies in a fair and responsible way.
While all these discussions went on, the Clintons took the opportunity to be reunited in La Havana. It was like a second honeymoon. Hilary term to forgive Bill, and were happy hold hands walking along the beach of Varadero.
As Chavez has to resolve some issues with U.S. investors who wanted to move their companies to Venezuela, Obama gave instructions that they were hosted at the White House itself, and that is why Chavez dispatched his business from the desk where Obama worked, when he stay in Washington. The international community was again very good way that Obama's gesture.
Chávez, in those days also received the visit of Iranian President back in Washington, with the consent of President Obama, of course. Also they visited the Bolivarian president, up north, Evo, Correa and Ortega, and thanked him very much that Chavez gave tour of the various halls of the White House. They had always wanted to visit this historic building, but never were invited.
About the effects of climate change, the conclusion is unanimous: So far, the Americas seemed to be less vulnerable compared to other world regions, such as some Pacific islands, Vietnam or Bangladesh. However, one of the main reasons that have led a change in estimates is the melting of ice at the poles due to the increase has been occurring in the range of the increase in sea level, alarming the climate change experts in South America and North America whose are more increasingly concerned about the potential and devastating consequences of this phenomenon, which according to latest estimates will be higher than previously thought. Hence, the sea level could rise a meter or more, although able to maintain low emissions of polluting gases in the world and exchange irreversibly the geography of coastal areas of America.
Some areas of the Caribbean, Mexico and Ecuador are the areas considered in more risk as well as New York and parts of Florida, U.S.. For example, a one-meter rise would cause flooding in a coastal area of Guyana, where is situated the 70% of the population and 40% of the arable land. This would involve a massive reorganization of the U.S. economy. Experts have expressed their concern about the effect that it may have on flood-prone coasts of the Gulf of Mexico.
Finally, a study of the world's coastal cities said that in most Caribbean states, 50% of the population lives within a radio in a distance of two kilometers from the coast. The population of this region will be directly affected by rising sea levels and other consequences of climate change. According to the World Bank, the islands of Bahamas, Guyana, Belize and Jamaica are the most exposed to be a risk if the oceans rise by one meter level. Still, this increase would trigger for some zones of Florida, particularly in the southern state. Also, the coastal plains around the city of Guayaquil, Ecuador, would be vulnerable to a combination of rising sea level, sea storms and turbulence.
Let us therefore give thanks to life, because finally, we got in America agree to save nature!
Note: This article is framed in an editorial series, called "Half-truths." which aims to inform the readers curious the multiple environmental problems occurring in her world. Environmental realities and half realities of political events. An indomitable curiosity, my eternal gratitude.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Dark Flaky Spots On Dog

Geothermal Energy Opportunities in Latin America and the Caribbean

Latinoamérica y el Caribe, se integran a la transición energética descarbonizada con el desarrollo de la energía eólica, fotovoltaica, solar thermal, geothermal and acceptance of electric cars with lithium batteries.
Even with the great benefits of each of these noble energy, a very particular, is growing by leaps and bounds in the two regions, such as the use of geothermal energy. This being a renewable natural process through which uses the heat generated in the center of the earth (magma) to produce steam at a temperature and pressure conditions selected, allowing you to push a system consisting of a steam turbine coupled an electric generator.
As visible points, geothermal s found in geysers, volcanoes, hot springs, among others. Its main strength is that this technology is accessible 24 hours x 7 days a week, eliminating the problems of variability associated with other technologies such as solar and wind energy. Is a clean energy because the waste steam after generating electricity can be condensed and reinjected back into the reservoir, to start a new cycle of energy production. In addition to its versatility, it can produce electricity, provide hot water for industrial or indirect use by using geothermal heat pumps.
This energy source is another great advantage, which is almost inexhaustible by the constant warming of the Earth's interior and obtaining fresh water and salt as a byproduct, and its impact for non-fuel use.
in Central America Geothermal is the second most important renewable energy source in the region. To date there has been progress both in research and in resource development and exploitation is estimated that the exploitable potential of this resource in the Central American region is in the order of 5000 MW distributed among Costa Rica, Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua, in the case of Panama and Honduras, there are only preliminary estimates, but the similarity of the geological-tectonic with respect to their countries vecinos, indica que existen recursos potenciales para la generación de electricidad.
Costa Rica, por ejemplo, ha iniciado la exploración de 2 yacimientos de vapor en el oeste del país, con el objetivo de instalar allí las plantas geotérmicas Las Palias II y Borinquen. Estiman invertir 1.5 millones de dólares en los materiales necesarios para realizar 10 perforaciones exploratorias, que pueden alcanzar hasta 3.000 metros. Se estima que su potencial geotérmico es de 865 MW. Guatemala es otro referente de nación geotérmica, que apunta a generar el 60% de sus necesidades energéticas mediante plantas geotérmicas para el 2022. El Salvador ya posee dos importantes centrales geotérmicas: una en Berlín, Usulután y la segunda en Ahuachapán, la cual aporto el 26% (180 megavatios), del consumo total energético de esa nación. En Nicaragua, en materia geotérmica, inicio la primera etapa que contempla la perforación de pozos de reinyección de agua y pozos que producen suficiente vapor para la generación energética, la edificación de torres de enfriamiento, una planta para distribuir la energía y la instalación de turbinas, estas actividades son parte del proyecto San Jacinto Tizate, ejecutado por Polaris Energy de Nicaragua, que aspira a generar con sus dos turbinas 72 megavatios.
En el Caribe, las dos islas que constituyen la Federaciòn de San Cristòbal y Nieves han several geothermal reservoirs recently discovered that they would provide 50 MW of clean energy. As consumer needs are only 10 MW, these two islands are called to become the first country in the world with zero emissions. In addition to becoming energy self-sufficient country, St. Kitts and Nevis will export the surplus energy produced to other Caribbean nations.
Also, Dominica, has initiated efforts in geothermal exploration in Soufriere. The results to date are favorable enough to encourage investors in developing projects of this type of energy. Santa performs the same activity Lucia, que en acuerdo con la compañía estadounidense Qualibou Energy desarrollan plantas geotérmicas que en conjunto tendrán una capacidad de 120 MW, suficiente para que la isla de 175,000 habitantes la use y la exporte. Alrededor de 1/3 de la energía generada se usara en la misma isla, el resto será exportada a su vecina Martinica por un cable submarino.
En Suramérica, Chile posee un alto potencial geotérmico al encontrarse en el área de actividad volcánica conocida como Anillo de Fuego, en el Pacífico. La cual ha permitido iniciar actividades de exploración, con el sector privado para definir propuestas de inversión. Para ello, asigno en concesión 17 áreas geotérmicas a 9 empresas with an investment of more than 106 million dollars over the next 2 years. Like Colombia, is conducting feasibility studies in the area surrounding the volcano Nevado del Ruiz. The project, in principle, has a cost of $ 190 million and includes the completion of feasibility studies, environmental and financial, exploration drilling, production drilling, infrastructure adequacy of access, connection to the national transmission system , supply of equipment, plant construction and commercial operation.
Another important source of geothermal South America, is found in Bolivia, in the Laguna Colorada, located in the Andean department of Potosí (southwest), bordering with Chile. With an estimated potential of 6500 megawatts (Mw), Ecuador looks like the power of geothermal energy as an option in the short term. To do so, the draft Carchi which is part of a binational plan to Colombia, because the site is on the border between the two countries. Peru's estimated potential to generate electricity with geothermal energy from hot springs, is about 3,000 megawatts (MW). This amount has been estimated by Japanese experts and announced that in the south of the country and began studies for the generation electricity in geothermal fields and Hot borate deposits in the department of Tacna. According to feasibility studies presented, the electricity generation potential of both fields is 150 Mw, 100 Mw and Hot borate deposits would provide 50 MW.
. Argentina
estimated installed for the current year, the first geothermal power plant. This plant will be located in the unpopulated area in the Valle del Cura (Church) about 370 kilometers from the city and contribute to the electrical system of the province of San Juan 5 megawatts at an early stage, with an initial investment of 7 million U.S. $ 2 for exploratory tasks that start today and 5 million Construction of the plant. Also, to be announced immediate expansion in the second stage, up to increase power generation to 150 megawatts.
In Venezuela, east of the country has the highest geothermal potential. An estimated energy generation in the order of 150 Mw. Since the first engineering have been initiated and there is a high interest from the private sector, national and international, to invest in the development of these energy plans.
With geothermal energy, Latin America and the Caribbean are bundle up your child from the heat of Mother Nature. Everything indicates that we have unlimited power to develop and make us a great continent.
clean energy to save the planet will be the watchword of the new century!