Here are recipes cuisine with which we can make wonderful sweet rolls cocoa or custard chestnuts. Here
discriviamo the cocoa but you also have to provide for the cream of chestnuts.
Work the yolks in a bowl with 150 g of sugar and 2 tablespoons water, add 40 g of flour, cocoa and baking powder.
In a bowl Beat the egg whites until stiff with a pinch of salt and incorporate sauce. Lined with aluminum foil a baking sheet; imburratela, flour and pour in the mixture.
Bake in oven at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes. so remove the baking sheet and turn it over on a damp cloth. After 2 minutes togliete l' alluminio, avvolgete la pasta nel telo e lasciatela raffreddare.
Con lo zucchero montate 2 dl di panna. Stendete la pasta e spalmatevi uniformemente la panna. avvolgete la pasta su se stessa, e decorate a piacere con altra panna montata e qualche ciliegina candida. Tenete cosi il dolce nel frigorifero fino a quando lo servirete ben fresco.
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