Questo di solito è considerato un periodo di buoni propositi, fra i miei sicuramente c'è quello di condividere maggiormente le mie eco-esperienze quotidiane così da poter essere utile a altri come sicuramente altri lo sono stati per me.
La rete è una delle mie fonti principali d'informazione ormai,cerco di ponderare l'opportunità di ogni mio eco - acquisto tramite siti specializzati, forum, blog.
Un esperienza che vorrei raccontare a breve per esempio è quella con la machine milk plant, which has the dual advantage of cost saving and environmentally friendly.
I bought last November after much brooding on its actual value, asking if it was practical to use, and then I would be able to amortize the cost: well, now nearly two months, I can conclude with a very positive opinion, I will not dwell on time as I would like to devote to this a separate post, I just say that after so many speculations in the end I opted for the Soyabella and I feel absolutely recommend it for its usefulness, speed, ease of use.
I do not want so many good intentions, but I can not help but make plans, my life is undergoing a change so great! I decided to
groped with my future son adventure of cloth diapers, I bought some test kits before making a purchase greater.
Council who want to make purchases on the internet when abroad to arm themselves with patience because the orders given my experience takes a long time coming, but it may be that in my case depended on the correspondence with the parties.
I should mention an initiative veg * I've read on FB this morning (yes, I too am part of the world feisbbukk and I do not mind!), The initiative for those who wish to learn is:

Greetings to all and Happy 2010!
soon with more thoughts and stories
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