Monday, January 31, 2011

Does Facebook Have A Log In History

L'rinnovabile. The Secolo Migliore

Solare termico, solare fotovoltaico, idroelettrico, eolico, geotermico, biomasse, maree.
Scommetti su energie rinnovabili o pulite, è quello di fermare l'attuale dipendenza dal consumo di carburante fossile, un fornitore leader di CO2, e quindi limitare l'effetto serra, cambiamenti climatici, i rifiuti radioattivi, le piogge acide e l'inquinamento atmosferico. Poi dare al lettore una breve sintesi per introdurre l'argomento interessante di energia rinnovabile.
Energia Solare . L'energia solare è l'energia ottenuta dalla radiazione solare sotto forma di calore o elettricità. Al momento non vi sono solo due modi per produrli: Attraverso il trasferimento di energia solare della radiazione solare e calore e di acqua attraverso le cellule fotovoltaiche che generano la sua energia elettrica dalla radiazione elettromagnetica del sole, rendendo di energia elettrica.
Solare heat. This energy transformation occurs when the solar radiant energy into heat or thermal energy. E 'directly responsible for heating water temperatures reaching between 40 º and 50 º through the use of solar panels (The temperature should be below 80 º C). Hot water is stored for later use, such as heating water for domestic, industrial, heating, pool heating, drying, cooling, etc.. Solar thermal direct use that we receive from the sun to heat a fluid. Flat Solar Collector is the most common application for thermal energy from the sun.
Paesi come Giappone, Israele, Cipro e Grecia hanno installato diversi milioni di unità in cui ogni metro quadrato di collettore in grado di produrre annualmente una quantità di energia equivalente a un centinaio di chilogrammi di olio. L'energia solare è una risorsa non solo potente ma anche flessibile. In Odeillo, nei Pirenei francesi, un grande forno solare utilizza 600 specchi per concentrare la luce solare, raggiungendo temperature di oltre 3.000 ° C. Su una scala più piccola, l'energia solare in grado di soddisfare le esigenze di riscaldamento e cottura. Altri utenti di questo tipo di energia, sono il popolo del Tibet nord-ovest, dove si utilizza l'energia solare per bollire l'acqua.
Le applicazioni più are popular for the production of hot water in homes, swimming pools, hospitals, hotels and industrial processes. Unlike traditional technologies for water heating, the initial investments are high and require a recovery period of 5 to 7 years, even if, as is easy to conclude, the cost of fuel is free and are low maintenance.
Most of the technological expertise we have in Solar Thermal Power Plant was built in the Mojave Desert, California. In total, the plant covers over 750 acres and generate 354 megawatts of electricity, which is enough to supply 170,000 households. curved mirrors track the sun, focusing its light tubes that contain a synthetic oil that is heated to about 400 degrees Celsius. The heat is used to produce steam that generates electricity through a turbine. Equally important experiences in the development of energy production, can be found in Latin America, in countries like Colombia, Peru, Chile and Argentina.
Among the advantages of its use, we have: a substitute for other energy sources such as fossil fuels or nuclear. It requires less investment. It is independent and decentralized. Free and inexhaustible source. Environmentally friendly: stop issuing a pound of CO2 into the atmosphere per kW produced, thereby preventing a significant emissions di gas a effetto serra che causano il riscaldamento globale. Bassa manutenzione.
Come svantaggio rilevato: il livello delle radiazioni varia da zona a zona e da una stagione all'altra, nella nostra zona varia del 20% tra inverno ed estate). Per raccogliere l'energia solare su larga scala richiederà grandi appezzamenti di terreno. Richiede grandi investimenti iniziali. Si dovrebbe completare questo metodo di convertire l'energia con gli altri. Luoghi dove c'è più radiazioni, sono luoghi deserti e remote, (l'energia non utilizzata per lo sviluppo delle attività agricole o industriali, ecc) .
Solare fotovoltaico. Questa energia rinnovabile si basa sulla cattura solar energy and conversion into electricity by photovoltaic modules, which are formed from metal light sensitive devices that emit photons when electrons impact on them. Convert light energy into electrical energy. They are made of pure silicon cells prepared by the addition of impurities of certain chemicals that can each generate 2 to 4 amperes at a voltage of 0.46 to 0.48 V, the first material with solar radiation.
In principle, this type of energy used for electricity supply in places where it was not cost effective installation of power lines. Over time its use has been diversified to the point now of great interesse per il solare in connessione con la rete.
Industria del fotovoltaico ha numerose applicazioni in settori quali le telecomunicazioni, automobilistico, marino, parchimetri. I sistemi fotovoltaici si possono trovare anche in luoghi come strade, ferrovie, piattaforme petrolifere o ponti, gasdotti e oleodotti. Esso ha molte applicazioni, come si può avere l'elettricità. L'unica limitazione esistente è il costo del materiale o la dimensione della matrice fotovoltaico. Tra i suoi usi più importanti sono: l'elettrificazione di abitazioni rurali, l'approvvigionamento idrico ai villaggi, il pompaggio dell'acqua / di irrigazione, di telecomunicazione, ripetitori di segnale, telefonia mobile e rurale, water treatment, desalination, chlorination, signals (sea, rail, road and air) and lighting, among others.
Environmentally, this type of energy does not pollute, does not emit CO2 or other pollutants into the atmosphere. It does not consume fuel. Do not produce waste. No noise and it is inexhaustible. And economically the installation is simple, requires little maintenance, have a long life (the solar panels last about 30 years). Withstands extreme weather conditions: hail, wind, temperature, humidity. There is no dependence on fuel-producing countries. Installation in rural areas. It is used instead of more efficient homes in rural areas where there is no electricity grid. Tolerated increase the power with the addition of new modules.
Hydropower . Hydropower is based on the exploitation of water falling from above. The potential energy during the fall, it becomes kinetic energy. The water passes through the turbines at high speed, causing a rotational movement that eventually transformed into electrical energy using generators. It is a natural resource available in areas with enough water, and once used, is returned to the valley. Its development requires the construction of reservoirs, dams, diversion canals, and installation of large turbines and equipment to generate elettricità. Si tratta di investire ingenti somme di denaro, pertanto non è competitiva nelle regioni in cui il carbone e petrolio a buon mercato. Tuttavia, il peso delle considerazioni ambientali e dello sforzo di manutenzione una volta divenuti operativi a focalizzare l'attenzione su questa fonte di energia.
Forza dell'acqua è stato usato per lungo tempo per macinare il grano, ma è stata la rivoluzione industriale, e soprattutto dopo il XIX secolo, quando cominciò ad avere grande importanza con l'emergere di ruote idrauliche per la produzione di energia elettrica. A poco a poco la domanda di elettricità è cresciuta. L'estate a basso flusso e la caduta, accoppiato con il ghiaccio invernale era necessaria la costruzione di grandi dighe, come ruote di acqua sono stati sostituiti da macchine come il carbone per caldaie erano disponibili.
Il primo impianto idroelettrico moderno è stato costruito nel 1880 nel Northumberland, in Inghilterra. La rinascita di sviluppo idroelettrico è stato causato dal generatore elettrico, seguito da un miglioramento della turbina idraulica e grazie alla crescente domanda di energia elettrica nel ventesimo secolo. Nel 1920 idroelettrica generata e una parte significativa della produzione totale di energia elettrica.
Nei primi anni novanta, i primi produttori di energia idroelettrica sono stati il Canada e gli Stati Uniti. Canada ottiene il 60% della sua elettricità da energia idroelettrica. A livello mondiale, questa energia rappresenta circa un quarto della produzione totale di energia elettrica, e la sua importanza è in crescita. Paesi in cui l'alimentazione è più importante sono la Norvegia (99%), Zaire (97%) e Brasile (96%). L'impianto Itaipu sul fiume Paranà, si trova tra il Brasile e il Paraguay, è stato aperto nel 1982 ed ha la capacità di generazione più grande del mondo. Per riferimento, il Grand Coulee Dam negli Stati Uniti genera circa 6500 MW, ed è uno dei più grandi.
Alcuni paesi hanno istituito centrali elettriche di piccole dimensioni con capacità di generazione tra kW e un megawatt. In molte regioni della Cina, per example, these small dams are the main source of electricity. Hydropower helped the growth of new industrial cities that have been created in Europe and America.
Among its advantages, we noticed that while there is endless water cycle is variable. And 'low maintenance cost. Low impact on the environment. Long life. It can be used both for consumption and for small-scale industry. The disadvantages are high costs of initial installation. It has a significant environmental impact in the case of hydroelectric power.
Wind Energy. Wind energy, also known as kinetic energy or wind energy is the energy generata per effetto di correnti d'aria.
L'energia eolica è legato al movimento di masse d'aria si muovono da zone di alta pressione atmosferica alle aree adiacenti di bassa pressione, con velocità proporzionale al gradiente di pressione. I venti sono generati a causa del riscaldamento non uniforme della superficie terrestre dalla radiazione solare, tra il 1 e il 2% di energia dal sole diventa vento. Di giorno, le masse d'aria sopra l', mari oceani e laghi freddo resterà in relazione alle aree limitrofe situate sulle masse continentali. I continenti assorbono meno luce, così l'aria è a terra si espande, e quindi diventa più leggera e sale. L'aria più fredda e più pesante proviene dai mari, gli oceani e dei grandi laghi è messo in moto per riempire lo spazio lasciato dall'aria calda.
Per sfruttare l'energia eolica è importante conoscere i venti diurni e notturni e stagionali, la variazione di velocità del vento con l'altezza dal suolo, l'entità degli scoppi in brevi periodi di tempo, e valori massimi si è verificato in dati storici con un minimo di 20 anni. E 'anche importante conoscere la velocità massima del vento. Per poter utilizzare l'energia eolica, abbiamo bisogno di raggiungere una velocità minima che dipende dalla turbina a vento per essere utilizzato, ma di solito iniziano tra i 3 m / s (10 km / h) e 4 m / s (14, 4 chilometri all'ora), chiamato "cut-in velocità", e che non superi i 25 m / s (90 km / h), denominata "velocità di cut-out".
L'energia eolica viene utilizzata mediante l'impiego di macchine eoliche (o aerogeneratori) in grado di trasformare l'energia eolica in energia meccanica utilizzabile di rotazione, sia per guidare direttamente le macchine operatrici, e per la produzione di energia elettrica. In quest'ultimo caso, il sistema di conversione (che comprende un generatore elettrico con i suoi sistemi di controllo e collegamento alla rete) è noto come turbine eoliche. Queste vento muove un elica e attraverso un sistema meccanico ruota il rotore di un generatore, di solito un alternatore che produce energia elettrica. Per l'installazione uneconomic concentrations are usually grouped in so-called wind farms.
Today, wind energy is mainly used for producing electricity through wind turbines. At the end of 2007, worldwide capacity of wind generators was 94.1 gigavatios.1 wind power generated in 2009 about 2% of global consumption of electricity, equivalent to the total demand of electricity in Italy, the seventh-economy largest in the world.
Wind energy is not new, is one of the oldest energy with thermal energy. The wind as a driving force existed since ancient times and in all times has been used as such. Wind energy is growing continuously from the twenty-first century, in some countries than in others, with Germany and the United States, which have developed on this type of energy.
Among the environmental aspects may be noted that even though at the beginning of installation, the sites selected for this coincided with the routes of migratory birds, or areas where the birds take advantage of the wind gradient, which makes wind turbines were in collision with birds and bats, wind turbines are low current speed, the problem of collisions with birds is in decline. The impact on the landscape is important because of the horizontal arrangement of the elements that compose it and the appearance of an element verticale, come la turbina. Produrre l'effetto discoteca cosiddetto: Questo effetto appare quando il sole è dietro il mulino e le ombre delle pale sono progettate con regolarità sui giardini e finestre, lampeggiante in modo che la gente chiama questo "effetto discoteca" fenomeno . Questo, insieme con il rumore, può portare le persone ad un elevato livello di stress, con un forte impatto sulla salute. Tuttavia, il miglioramento della progettazione di turbine a vento ha permesso loro di ridurre il rumore prodotto. Inoltre, gli operatori di apertura pista e la presenza di parchi eolici rende la presenza umana è costante in luoghi finora poco percorsa. Questo riguarda anche la fauna selvatica.
Energia Geotermica . This type of energy is to harness the heat from the Earth to get electricity. In other words, the thermal energy contained within the Earth that is transmitted by thermal conduction to the surface. You can also generate electricity using a steam passing through a turbine which is connected to a generator and produces electricity. This geotémica energy occurs as a result of the decay of radioactive elements and constant heat that originated in the early stages of planet formation. And it is made present through geological processes like volcanoes in stages posthumously, the geysers that spew hot water and hot springs.
. The conversion
geothermal energy into electricity, is the use of a vapor, which passes through a turbine which is connected to a generator, producing electricity.
The main use of geothermal energy, is found in spas, hot springs, which have applications to health. Heating and hot water. Electricity. Mining: Obtained from the sulfur springs, common salt, ammonia, methane and hydrogen sulfide. The agriculture and aquaculture, greenhouses and nurseries for fish. Among others.
As an advantage of it says: It 'a source of energy that helps to fight against energy dependence on fossil fuels. The waste produced is minimal, causing a minor environmental impact than those caused by oil, coal. It 'a resource at low cost. Contributes to the production of energy (electricity) and use the heat directly.
Among its disadvantages, it is noted that the emission of hydrogen sulfide is detected by its smell of rotten eggs in large quantities has not been paid and is fatal. It produces CO2 emissions that increase global warming. pollute nearby waters with substances such as arsenic, ammonia, etc.. Produces thermal pollution.
Biomass energy. Energy Biomass is a type of renewable energy from the use of organic and inorganic matter formed in a process biological or mechanical, in general, substances that are living beings (plants, humans, animals, etc.), or their remains and debris. The use of biomass energy is made directly (eg by combustion), or by conversion into other substances that can be used later as fuel or food.
Although not considered as biomass energy, the energy contained in food provided to animals and people, in the broad sense could be considered, because it is converted to energy by these organisms in a high percentage of the process of cellular respiration .
The generation of energy from biomass, occurs when some of the energy reaching the Earth from the Sun is absorbed by plants through photosynthesis and converted into organic matter with an energy content higher than that of minerals. So every year there are 2.1011 tons of dry organic matter, with an energy content equivalent to 68 billion toe (tons of oil equivalent), which is about five times the world energy demand. However, the huge variation makes only a minimal advantage of it. Among the most notable forms of biomass for energy use include energy feedstock (sugar cane, sugar beets, etc..) And waste (agriculture, forestry, farming, urban sewage sludge, etc.)..
There are various types of biomass, according to the origin of the substances used as plant biomass, usually associated with plants (trunks, branches, stems, fruits, vegetable residues and wastes, etc.). And the animal biomass, derived from animal products (grease, dirt, excrement and so on).
Other ways to classify the types of biomass is made from material used as a source of energy, wood waste can be harnessed to produce energy. Similarly, the fuel can be used as the remains of the wood processing industry such as sawmills, furniture factories and wood and other materials. The "energy crops" are another form of biomass made from crops or plantations that are only for energy purposes, ie, to leverage their content and energy. Among these crops have, for example, trees such as poplar or other specific plants. Sometimes it's not usually included in the biomass energy is limited to that obtained in the second place from wastes, residues, etc..
Biofuels are liquid fuels derived from agricultural materials rich in sugars, like corn (ethanol) or vegetable fats such as pumpkin seed rape and sunflower (biodiesel). This may also be called "energy crops". The ethanol will replace gasoline and biodiesel is to replace diesel. We can say that they constitute an alternative to conventional fuels in the transport sector, which derived from petroleum.
The use of residual biomass energy, for example, concerns the production of energy from wood waste and agricultural waste (straw, shells, bones ...), municipal waste, manure as fertilizer or manure, sewage sewage, agricultural waste, etc. I can also take advantage of existing power plants and energy use of waste straw from fields that are not used for animal feed.
manure, on the other hand, are also a source of energy. Slurry and manure dairy farms and pigs can be recovered energy, for example, using the gas (or biogas) derived therefrom, to produce heat and electricity. And just as energy can take advantage of municipal waste, because producing a fuel gas or biogas, fermentation of organic waste, which can capture the energy and can be used to produce electricity and heat, which can be called recovery plant landfill biogas energy.
Among the environmental benefits of using this energy may include: reduction of CO2 emissions. Although the use of this renewable energy will reach a combustion, and result is water and CO2, the amount of this gas is a contribution to the greenhouse effect can be considered the same amount that was captured by plants during their growth. That is, not an increase of this gas in the atmosphere. It does not emit a sulfur or nitrogen contaminants or solid particles only. If the waste is used for other activities such as biomass, this translates into a recycling and waste reduction. Channels, therefore, agricultural food surpluses, allowing the use of the lands withdrawn. Energy crops replace food crops surplus in the market. Which may offer a new opportunity for agriculture. Allows the introduction of high value crops rotation against monoculture of cereals. May cause economic growth in rural areas. Reduces dependence on fossil fuels.
As we noted at a disadvantage: It has a production cost higher than energy from fossil fuels. lower efficiency of biomass fuels with fossil fuels. seasonal production. The raw material is of low energy density which means they occupy much volume and therefore may have problems with transport and storage. The need for preparation or processing for use.
tidal . Tidal energy is obtained with the tide, ie the height difference average of the seas, as the relative positions of Earth and Moon, and resulting from gravitational attraction of the latter and the Sun on the water masses of the seas. This height difference can be exploited by placing moving parts for the natural process of ascent or descent of the water, along with gas pipelines and storage mechanisms, for movement on an axis., Through its coupling to an alternator can be used to generate electricity system, thus transforming wave energy into electricity, a form of energy more useful and usable.
It is a kind of clean and renewable energy. The tidal power has the status of being renewable, while the primary energy source is not exhausted by their exploitation, and it is evident, as in processed products of energy products are not gaseous, liquid or solid. However, the relationship between the amount of energy that can be achieved with existing resources and economic and environmental costs of installing such devices for processing have prevented a significant proliferation of this type of energy. Other ways to extract energy from the sea are: waves, wave energy, the temperature difference between surface and deep ocean water, ocean thermal gradient, the salinity of ocean currents or offshore.
In France, l'estuario del fiume Rance, EDF ha installato un impianto di energia di marea. Operativo dal 1967, producendo energia elettrica per soddisfare le esigenze di una città come Rennes (9% del fabbisogno della Gran Bretagna). Il costo del kwh è stata simile o meno costoso di una centrale elettrica tradizionale, senza il costo delle emissioni di gas serra nell'atmosfera e il consumo di combustibili fossili e ai rischi delle centrali nucleari (13 metri di differenza di marea) . I problemi globali erano abbastanza gravi, come interramento del fiume, i cambiamenti di salinità alla foce nel cambiamento vicinanza e l'ecosistema prima e dopo le installazioni.
Tra i vantaggi di usare questo punto out energetico, che sono auto-rinnovabile, non inquinante, sono silenziose, materiali a basso costo grezzo, non popolazione concentrata e disponibile in qualsiasi clima e stagione.
Come svantaggi osservato, che produce impatto visivo e strutturale sul paesaggio costiero, la sua posizione, dipendono da escursione di marea, il trasferimento di energia troppo costosa, produce un effetto negativo sulla flora e la fauna, ed è limitata .
Da Lenin Cardozo / Jose Forgione

Saw Tonsils Glands After Drinking Alcohol

scommesse of Mezza verità: Obama and Chavez

I disastri visibile che vengono, le alterazioni dei prodotti oggi soffre il mondo a causa del cambiamento climatico, infine, ha superato le barriere ideologiche.
Obama ha consultato i suoi consiglieri e approvato, calling Chavez and asked him to join together so that saved America. Chavez, in turn, consulted his advisers and decided to accept, as long as Cuba was lifted the blockade, and incorporate Guantanamo returned to Fidel in the continental saving equipment. For an overriding interest, the U.S. Senate voted unanimously requests proposed by the Bolivarian president. And consequently, the agreement was signed not more intervention in Latin American territory. And sisters, set to work to defend what was coming.
The first meeting to assess the environmental contingencies that may occur at any time, was held at the Government Palace in Havana da Fidel era un po 'fragile e non ha preferito recarsi a Washington. Per gli impianti logistici Obama ha preso la residenza a L'Avana, per un'intera settimana e l'altro, ho fatto qualche riposare e godere delle famose spiagge dei Caraibi. Il mondo è stato accolto con favore tale gesto.
In tale riunione, hanno discusso questioni strategiche per affrontare il cambiamento climatico, i suoi effetti e delle misure per ridurre le emissioni di gas serra in America. Tutti hanno convenuto che il continente sta subendo forti tempeste che hanno causato grandi catastrofi impressionante. Stati Uniti, Guatemala, Messico, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Colombia, Brasile e Venezuela, sono stati vittime delle tempeste che passa sproporzionato piogge and strong winds. Victims, thousands of displaced people, destruction, flooding and extensive damage has been part of the consequences. America also agreed that if I was going to accept checks at specific times to reduce emissions and ensure the use of clean technologies in a fair and responsible.
While all these discussions went on, the Clintons took the opportunity to meet in Havana. It was like a second honeymoon. Hilary term to forgive Bill, and have been happy agarraditos walking hand in hand along the beach of Varadero.
As Chavez was to resolve some problems with U.S. investors who wanted to move their companies to Venezuela, Obama dato istruzioni che ha ospitato presso la stessa Casa Bianca, ed è per questo che Chavez ha inviato i suoi affari dalla scrivania, dove Obama ha lavorato, come era a Washington. La comunità internazionale è stata nuovamente modo molto positivo che Obama gesto.
Chávez, in quei giorni ha ricevuto anche la visita del presidente iraniano torna a Washington, con il consenso del corso il presidente Obama. Visitato anche il presidente bolivariano, su a nord, Evo, Correa e Ortega, e lo ha ringraziato vivamente che Chavez ha dato tour delle varie sale della Casa Bianca. Avevano sempre voluto visitare questo edificio storico, ma mai invitato.
Gli effetti del cambiamento climatico, la conclusione è unanime: fino ad ora, the Americas seemed to be less vulnerable than other regions of the world, such as some Pacific Islands, Vietnam or Bangladesh. However, one of the main reasons that led to a change in estimates is the melting of ice at the poles because the increase was occurring in the range of sea level rise, alarming Panel on Climate Change South America and North America are increasingly concerned about the potential consequences of this devastating phenomenon and that, according to the latest estimates will be higher than previously thought. Therefore, the sea level could rise by a meter or more, although able to maintain low emissions of polluting gases in the world and exchange irreversibly geography of the coastal areas of America.
Some parts of the Caribbean, Mexico and Ecuador are the areas considered most at risk as New York and parts of Florida, USA. For example, a rise of one meter could cause flooding in a coastal area of \u200b\u200bGuyana, which is 70% of the population and 40% of agricultural land. This would result in a massive reorganization of the U.S. economy. Experts have expressed concern about the impact this may have on flood-prone coasts of the Gulf of Mexico.
Finally, a study of the coastal cities of the world, said that in the majority of Caribbean States, 50% of the population living within a radius of two kilometers from the coast. The population of this region will be directly affected by the levels of seas and other effects of climate change. According to the World Bank 's, Guyana Bahamas, Belize and Jamaica are the most exposed to danger if the oceans rise by a level meter. However, this increase would trigger a disaster for parts of Florida, particularly in the southern state. In addition, the coastal plains around the city of Guayaquil, Ecuador, would be vulnerable to a combination of rising sea levels, storms and turbulence.
Let us therefore give thanks to life, because finally, we arrived in America decide to save nature!
Note: ". Mezze verità" Questo articolo è collana incorniciata in an editorial, denominated Che looks curiosity informs numerosi problemi i lettori Ambientali che nel suo mondo if verificano. A indomabile curiosità, agradecimeinto mine forever. Da

: Lenin Cardozo / Joseph Forgione

Sunny Wagner Miosotis

insieme per l'environment clean energies. In good time! Environmental Prediction 2011 Nostradamus

The nineteenth and twentieth centuries, energy developed from the model based on the exploitation of fossil fuels. Oil, gas and coal became the transforming energy, capable of moving humanity to the moon. The XXI century starts with a visible depletion of these energy sources, and acknowledges the environmental, product de las emisiones anuales de dióxido de carbono hacia la atmósfera, que han generado fenómenos como el efecto invernadero y el calentamiento global de la Tierra.
Tecnológicamente tardamos en prepararnos, las ciencias nuevamente nos abrieron el camino y llego el momento de poder producir un cambio en el modelo energético. De ahí que las "energías renovables" se perfilan como la gran solución de este siglo, porque además de ser casi limpias, son inagotables.
Los siglos de las profundidades energéticas, están por cerrar su ciclo. Ahora aguas arriba, al alcance de nuestros ojos, de todos nuestros senses, the solution appears. It then describes the new energy deposits, which were waiting for us for thousands of years.
. Sites
energy of light, as the great sun and thermal and photovoltaic technologies. is an infinite resource, because each year the sun throws 4 thousand times more energy than they consume, so their potential is almost unlimited. Enlarge free emission greenhouse gas effect, technological proposal to stop global warming change. The intensity of energy available at a given point on earth depends on the day of the year, time and latitude. Furthermore, the amount of energy that can be collected depends on the orientation of the receiver. Today is one of the most developed renewable energy and used worldwide.
. Sites
energy from the wind. which we could improve through wind technology. This type of energy produces no emissions and no runs over time. A single wind turbine of one megawatt (1 MW) operating for one year can replace the emission of more than 1,500 tons of carbon dioxide, 6.5 tons of sulfur dioxide, 3.2 tons of nitrogen oxides and 60 pounds of mercury . The same is una tecnología modular y escalable: las aplicaciones eólicas pueden tomar muchas formas, incluyendo grandes granjas de viento, generación distribuida, y sistemas para uso final. Las aplicaciones pueden utilizar estratégicamente los recursos del viento para ayudar a reducir los riesgos por el aumento en la carga o consumo y costos producidos por cortes. Así mismo, reduce visiblemente la dependencia a los combustibles convencionales.
También, los vientos que producen olas que generan energía . Ya se ha desarrollado tecnologías para el uso del poder de las olas, la cual usa la energía cinética de las olas del mar para generar electricidad. La mayoría de los productores de la energía de olas son private laboratories and companies emerging, but the race to bring to market this type of alternative has begun.
. Sites
Moon energy. Powered tidal, lunar tides help us to produce energy. The principle of using tidal power is the same since ancient times, where dams were built that allowed the water is stored and when the tide rose, it backs up so he could not return to sea when the tide went down, the stored water was released and moved the pallets that were used for mills, etc.. Today, with technology Solidad, dammed water that passes through various channels containing a propeller that generates electricity as it moves under the laws dictate that Michael Faraday made more than 150 years.
Reservoir water energy. Hydropower is obtained from the moving water. Where water power is converted into mechanical energy to move the blades of a turbine in a hydroelectric plant, where it is converted into electrical energy. Since the dams, the system designed, in conjunction with hydropower for energy production, which are usually located in the reservoirs. Hydropower is renewable, clean and large energy producer.
. Sites
volcanic vapors. Call Geothermal energy uses hot water that comes from deep in the crust of the earth to spin turbines and produce electricity. Produces few carbon emissions and can re-inject used water back into the earth to be reused, making them fully sustainable. Only applicable in areas where there is volcanic activity, or where two tectonic plates meet. For this reason, places like Indonesia and the Philippines, which are located in the Pacific "Ring of Fire", or California, with its many fault lines and hot springs are strong markets para este tipo de energía.
Y yacimientos energéticos a partir de vegetales . Como ejemplo de ello, la fabricación del Etanol, que es un biocombustible que puede ser mezclado con gasolina; está hecho de azúcar fermentada, y el maíz es su aporte primario. Actualmente, existen vehículos que pueden correr con una mezcla del 90% de gasolina y un 10% de etanol, aun cuando no hay casi suficiente etanol a base de maíz producido en el momento para encontrarse con esta capacidad. Hay, también, carros que pueden correr con un 85% de etanol e incluso con etanol puro, pero estos vehículos son de fabricaciones limitadas aun.
Iniciamos así, el siglo “verde y azul”, renovando nuestro modelo energético, para desintoxicar los pulmones y piel del Planeta Tierra.

Vídeos De Zoofilia

Home del "decennio silenziosa"
Cina e Stati Uniti, i leader nel mondo per la sua capacità di inquinare il pianeta, farà un accordo bilaterale, non si gioca sulla questione ambientale per un decennio. Per fare ciò creerebbe un accordo con le sue reti di comunicazione per non trasmettere la questione "spinosa". Impostare per avviare il Wikileaks antivirus per evitare eventuali perdite durante il "decennio silenzioso". Infatti, il creatore di Wikileaks, vi farà scoprire, dai loro legami familiari di Bin Laden e un comando di azione eroica viene beam and taken away to Guantanamo, to keep him there for the rest of his life. The European Community has also forget the subject. "Nobody is going to get with the owners of the dollar and the yuan." Summit on Climate Change COP17 in South Africa, will be remembered as the summit of the Secretariat, will be only the secretaries of the Ministries of Environment, their countries, assist and inform their leaders of being very busy.
Back to coal and oil has been increased.
The repowering of coal, the Pentagon and environmentalists Scotland Yard, has been found to have medicinal properties and therefore is starting over in a rage to use. The company slogan is: "The Carbone compra, compra tutto quello che puoi, la sua salute migliore !!.". Da parte sua, l'Arabia Saudita, non ancora ricoperata dal spaventa accaduto nel vertice di Copenaghen e di Cancun, dove ha contestato l'uso dei combustibili fossili, decide di prendere l'offensiva e creò l'Organizzazione dei Paesi amici di petrolio (PAPO), le campagne per diffondere l'uso di petrolio e suoi derivati. Ha cominiziato, una guerra mediatica contro intenso di energia rinnovabile. Rapidamente PAPO sarà il beniamino di tutti i media del mondo. Oltre a pagare una fortuna per la pubblicità, dare via le automobili con un alto consumo di benzina a migliaia di giornalisti. Le società automobilistica degli Stati Uniti, ha espresso la sua gratitudine per forever.
The academy welcomes exiles environmental
. The academies
language of all languages, coined the new term of exile or environmental refugees. Name given to the millions of displaced flood submerged or products from the tsunami countries, starting in 2011. Country rented laptop or a country, is another concept associated with countries that have to rent land in order to move with his people, temporarily or permanently. The academies also wants to consolidate other concepts, for example, is not the same as pets in the West, in Asia have pets for haute cuisine.
hunt penguins. The Nipponese
begin to consider that for the imminent end of whales and dolphins to make their sushi, the penguins could be another option. The first Japanese ships will be at the South Pole The Boat by Paul Watson, Sea Sheppherd Conservation Society, mysteriously crashed in the Pacific. And in that same mystery, Greenpeace boats. Birth of a new scientific organization in the country to "study" this species interesting: Penguins in sushi.
End of obesity and overweight.
Given the growing lack of food in the world, enters Humana and from 2011 on a diet "balanced well water and little grains of rice or some faggoli. The United Nations study the possibility a resolution to eat only once a day. Except, of course, in developed countries, keeping them on their three meals with snacks. They are also considering not be so hard on the theme of cannibalism in Africa. Yet one of the country experts in genocide of the continent, killing more people decide not useless. It is expected that as the global leader in the market for the sale of kidneys. The mafia in Kosovo, to worry a lot with the unexpected commercial rival. The fat in 2011, entered the countdown and have their days numbered.
Accelerate preparations for the journey to Mars
pollution has started to produce so many destructive weather phenomena, who managed to agree on the developed countries, not to stay permanently environmental degradation, but to share on Mars. They conclude that 'AND' cheaper, the migration to decontaminate the planet. " So began the race to see who comes first and take the best land. An Arab prince and one of the English nobility, liderono interplanetary project. The mission is called the Avatar II.
FIFA put the eye to the Amazon
The International Federation of Football, will be seriously considering buying the party `s Amazonia, which is cut down and make those large territories, hundreds of mega fields, the house of the future world championships. They see a great business in these new deserts. In addition, there are those who think that there could be another increase camels instead.
Environmentalists will be formally declared terrorists urban
. Environmentalists
underground passage. polluting nations, decided to act and everyone who gets to protest to defend the environment, receive prison or under, where the protest, flogging or stoning. Razisti radical groups, "white collar", neo-Nazis, etc.., Since the flow of immigrants, refugees and displaced persons, which have been put in their respective countries is immense, and so fight or beat people, it is worth too much effort, will be the necesittà to change le loro abitudini e ora ritrovo ambientalisti o ecologisti. E buona fortuna a loro circa sponsorizzazione o il loro finanziamento nazionale e internazionale.
Fine delle ideologie del XVIII secolo, IXX e XX
dibattito bizantino era finita se sei di sinistra o destra. L’idei nazionalista militare, sopravvivere. capitalismo di Stato in tutte le sue versioni sarà il modello prevalente. Rafforzerà l'ideologia ambientale. Anche nuovi modi di pensare, come l'ideologia della semplicità, gli americani hanno chiamato Twitter ideologia. Ma non prospererà a lungo, come Bill Gates, come al solito, ha acquistato i diritti.
Nascita di un nuovo paese, Plastilandia
And drown some islands in the Pacific, the products of increased water levels due to melting of the Arctic. Other countries "emerge." Such is the case, Plastilandia, floating territory because of the many square miles of plastic on the surface of the oceans. Already some scientists and entrepreneurs, are considering residential use to provide a platform that great navigator. The only thing missing to solve, how to find later, because, as would be floating in the sea, it would be difficult to locate in a specific place in the world maps.
By: Lenin Cardozo / Joseph Forgione

Double Finger Ring Wholesale

[WE2011] OF e Cover

the Option File Update on smooth game created by Edo by WeItalia who has completed the following changes from previous version:
  • all the correct names in italics (instead of uppercase)
  • Wen
  • unlocked all the flags to enter the Premier League
  • included the flags of Palermo (in the basic game that is not supported)
  • completed all the kits for Premier League
  • completed kits for teams missing
In addition to the original artwork OFA del gioco by Christian77.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Pokemon Deluge Hacks 2010

Nonni su Internet al Social Media Week

Mi è capitato spesso di sentire da qualcuno che il cellulare ha preso acqua. Nei peggiori dei casi, tra l'altro, è addirittura andato a finire nel cesso. Il fatto è che i telefonini si bagnano per i più svariati motivi e smettono di funzionare.
Ecco alcune semplici istruzioni, ripresi dal mensile
Terra Nuova e dal blog Blogeko , per evitare il peggio:

- non accenderlo;
- togliere la batteria, la scheda e tutto ciò che ci si sente di rimuovere e di rimettere successivamente al suo posto;  mettere le varie parti in un recipiente contenente un materiale in grado di assorbire l'umidità: riso secco, gel di silice o semplicemente la sabbia per la lettiera del gatto.

Il trattamento dovrebbe asciugare completamente l'apparecchio e rimetterlo in grado di funzionare. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Large Wooden Barrels For Sale

[pes2011] OF pc_house V4

Ci stiamo convertendo a PES? No assolutamente. Ma trattandosi di un lavoro egregio e tutto 'made in Italy' era mio dovere in questo periodo di magra sottoporlo alla vostra attenzione. Si tratta di un Option File realizzato da pc_house di Casa Pes , da applicare alla versione ps2 di Pro Evolution Soccer comprensivo di loghi, kits e stucchevoli iniziative come l'introduzione di 12 squadre della Serie B italiana in sostituzione di alcune non partecipanti alla Champions League. Voorreste miss an initiative so valuable?

Option File pc_house V4

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Panasonic Bread Maker Bt6p

Se il cellulare si bagna

Gli studenti che, a causa di gravi patologie o di infortunio, sono impossibilitati a frequentare la scuola per un periodo di tempo superiore al mese, hanno diritto alle lezioni in casa via internet. La Provincia di Trento
da tempo assicura questo tipo di assistenza che ora però diventa un diritto in base a quanto stabilito da un regolamento approvato dalla giunta provinciale su proposta dell'assessore all'istruzione. La notizia è stata diffusa qualche giorno fa dal giornale trentino

L'Adige .

Chi si trova in malattia prolungata a casa, ad esempio, avrà diritto a un progetto personalizzato de assistenza e tutoraggio realizzato dalla scuola. La richiesta dovrà essere fatta dalla famiglia dello studente sick and supported by a medical certificate. There is also the possibility to take lessons by videoconference. In this case, the Province provides the school with the installation of a computer video camera, a microphone unit, and a multifunction printer and an interactive whiteboard. Then the family will be provided including a computer with a webcam, microphone, headphones and a multifunction printer.

The other good news is that the public body to cover annual expenditure of € 6000 to provide computer, video camera, printer and microphone to the family.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Creative 2nd Birthday Invites

Andare a scuola restando a casa

the cell to defend against the aggressor and put pedophiles in jail. I did a little girl just turned 14 years old, who managed to secretly record his phone with the
and violence that the man, a family friend who abused her since she was 9 years old. The news was released today by anxiety.

The tenacity of the little girl, so that he decided 'to give evidence to investigators of the terrible violence inflicted on her skin, allowed the first judges to stop the pedophile and then sentenced to 8 years and 4 months imprisonment, expedited.
The sentence 'was issued today by the preliminary hearing judge in Milan Luigi Varanelli, at the conclusion of the investigation coordinated by Giancarla pm Serafini. The girl, who lives in a town outside Milan, at the beginning of last year had seen a television broadcasting service of 'Reservoir Dogs' which reported the story of a child victim of sexual abuse.
In the small service invited other children to sue and not to remain silent. Driven by those words, the girl began to talk about his dramatic story. First with his classmates during a school trip in April. They had described what he had seen on television, adding that the violence was making the same a friend of hers. In fact he was telling his story. Shortly after she had confided in a teacher and then with his parents, who had told her not to meet once more the man of 60 years, who had previously had a relationship with the child's mother.

The girl, however 'had not paid attention to presenting themselves and in their parents' attorney to file a complaint (May 5 last year), had gone to the appointment (May 1) that the man had given and had filmed the violence once again. This time, however, 'left his face in the pictures taken come prova inconfutabile. Dopo la denuncia in Procura, il pm aveva disposto una perquisizione a casa dell'uomo. Erano stati trovati una serie di oggetti erotici utilizzati dal pedofilo per violentare la bambina per anni, dal 2006 in poi, oltre ad alcuni bastoni e coltelli con i quali la minacciava di non dire niente. Il 22 giugno scorso, infine, l'uomo era finito in carcere, dove è tuttora detenuto, condannato per violenza sessuale aggravata. 

La ragazzina, parte civile nel processo, ha raccontato ai magistrati che a darle il coraggio di denunciare non è stato soltanto il servizio de 'Le Iene', ma anche il fatto che l'uomo avesse già messo gli occhi addosso a un'altra child.

Chinese Chicken Curry

[pes2011] Solo Stars Team Forever

It 's the second time it happens. The first happened at the patch of the boys Omnibus Rebus last year, today I decided to 'turn a blind eye' and to offer this exclusive patch for pes2011 on the 'team' that has brought to completion.
The work brings with it impressive numbers that make it a collector's item. Among the stadiums, faces, balls, adboards, teams, and chants you'll be spoiled della scelta e un buon numero di link per il download.

LINK: Solo Stars Team Forever

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Can You Throw Vietnam Tomahawk

Il cellulare contro la pedofilia

the Global Junior Challenge Award 2009 in Rome

The slogan seems to be a profession of faith in humanity who does not surrender to market forces and profit, "Reducing inequalities in the world with technology, creativity and social innovation." Yes, that's how the ,
the contest international awards the innovative use of technology in the field of education, solidarity and intercultural cooperation.
Sponsored by the City of Rome, the Award is organized every two years from the Digital World Foundation under the patronage of the President of the Italian Republic.

The organizers believe that " is a unique opportunity to reflect on the importance of challenges posed by education for the 21st century and the role technology for educational innovation, social integration, development and the reduction of poverty in the world. "

Who can participate?
schools and universities, institutions public and private, cooperatives and cultural associations, businesses, private citizens.

Of the three special categories
, the second and third are new for the 2011:
- ICT for integration of young people into employment - ICT Integration degli immigrati e dei rifugiati in collaborazione con United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) - ICT per lo sviluppo sostenibile dell'ambiente in partnership con Legambiente.

Altra novità del 2011 è il premio " ICT per la partecipazione sociale dei giovani
", ideato in collaborazione con United Nations Alliance of Civilizations per valorizzare  i progetti, realizzati dalle nuove generazioni, che producono un reale cambiamento sociale.  Il termine ultimo per la presentazione dei progetti è il
30 giugno 2011

At the address
you can register online at line or download a form and send by mail.
An international jury selects the finalists and announce the winners. The date for the award ceremony at the Capitol in October 2011.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Normal Bumps And Lumps On Inner Lips

Mondo Digitale: Aperte le iscrizioni per il Global Junior Challenge

A few weeks ago I did some workshops with the children of the parish of Alloway and the Liceo Bertrand Russell, Cles, Trentino always, on what activities we do in front of the TV. Among the most cited, of course: the food. How much to eat in front of the TV! And I came to mind a story a few months ago that talked about the relationship between the small screen and alimantazione. But ngiare blocks in front of the TV signals of satiety and destroys our health. E 'this is a result arrived at by the Canadian researchers led by Harvey Anderson, Department of Food Science University of Toronto. They did a search by putting a group of children and adolescents between 9 and 14 years to eat an unlimited amount of pizza. While one of them was invited to eat it while watching an episode of The Simpsons, another group was asked to do so in an area other than where it was not possible to watch TV. Those who ate the davcanti TV consumed 22% more than the pizza peers who ate without watching the program, for a total of 228 calories.
Subjects in both groups were asked to eat until you feel completely satisfied. According to the researchers il gruppo di adolescenti davanti al piccolo schermo avrebbe ignorato sia i segnali di sazietà inviati dallo stomaco al cervello, sia il segnale di stop rappresentato dal livello di zuccheri nel sangue.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Benefits Of Wearing A Girdle

Mangiare davanti alla TV ingrassa

I divi di nuovo in primo piano per la difesa dei diritti umani. Questa volta tocca all'attore George Clooney , che lancia oggi insieme all' Onu
, all'Università di
Harvard e a Google un progetto per vigilare attraverso i satelliti sulle possibili violazioni dei diritti umani in Sudan. Lo ha reso noto lo stesso Clooney con un articolo sul settimanale Time e riportato anche dall' Ansa . Il Satellite Sentinel Project, which runs today through commercial satellites will photograph any evidence of violence such as burning villages and large crowds of people fleeing. Data will be collected and analyzed by the United Nations and Harvard University.
Google and other internet companies, Trellon will provide a site to make information public. The project is the brainchild of Clooney and is funded by "Not On Our Watch

" (not under our eyes), an organization formed to help Darfur by the plaintiff and colleagues Brad Pitt, Matt Damon and Don Cheadle. Clooney told Time that he proposed the idea three months ago, when he was in Sudan to meet with civil war refugees.
The star has called the project "anti-paparazzi genocide." "We want potential perpetrators of genocide and other war crimes know that they are looking at, that the world is watching them," Clooney wrote.
January 9 will be held in southern Sudan a referendum on the region, the Agreements of 2005 that ended the civil war between north and south. Predictions say that the people of the south (oil rich) will vote en masse for independence. Approach of the vote in the country have increased the violence.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Lorna Morgan Movie 2010

[WE10JL] Option File 'Il Canto del Cigno'

In ritardo sulla 'tabella di marcia', rilascio l'Option File della patch pubblicata nella giornata di ieri; ovviamente non è aggiornato alla stagione in corso però è 'sbloccato' quasi interamente. Buon divertimento.

Link: Option File de 'Il Canto del Cigno'

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Best Way To Clean Vintage Kitchen Chrome

[WE10JL] Il Canto del Cigno

Questo lavoro è stato creato per il gioco JL WE10 European League 06/07 ed è stato realizzato dal ' Quartetto Cetra -1 ' nel lontano 2005 se non ricordo male, e non vi sò spiegare il perchè di quel -1, o meglio non lo ricordo. La patches è stata creata da tutti i più bravi patchers in circolazione in quel periodo, Wendetta (ForeverWE etc...), PesFan, e tanti altri (i crediti comunque sono indicati nella cover) ed è veramente pregevole.

Domani mattina vi posterò l'Option File da me personalmente curato.

LINK: WE10JL Il Canto del Cigno