Monday, January 31, 2011

Vídeos De Zoofilia

Home del "decennio silenziosa"
Cina e Stati Uniti, i leader nel mondo per la sua capacità di inquinare il pianeta, farà un accordo bilaterale, non si gioca sulla questione ambientale per un decennio. Per fare ciò creerebbe un accordo con le sue reti di comunicazione per non trasmettere la questione "spinosa". Impostare per avviare il Wikileaks antivirus per evitare eventuali perdite durante il "decennio silenzioso". Infatti, il creatore di Wikileaks, vi farà scoprire, dai loro legami familiari di Bin Laden e un comando di azione eroica viene beam and taken away to Guantanamo, to keep him there for the rest of his life. The European Community has also forget the subject. "Nobody is going to get with the owners of the dollar and the yuan." Summit on Climate Change COP17 in South Africa, will be remembered as the summit of the Secretariat, will be only the secretaries of the Ministries of Environment, their countries, assist and inform their leaders of being very busy.
Back to coal and oil has been increased.
The repowering of coal, the Pentagon and environmentalists Scotland Yard, has been found to have medicinal properties and therefore is starting over in a rage to use. The company slogan is: "The Carbone compra, compra tutto quello che puoi, la sua salute migliore !!.". Da parte sua, l'Arabia Saudita, non ancora ricoperata dal spaventa accaduto nel vertice di Copenaghen e di Cancun, dove ha contestato l'uso dei combustibili fossili, decide di prendere l'offensiva e creò l'Organizzazione dei Paesi amici di petrolio (PAPO), le campagne per diffondere l'uso di petrolio e suoi derivati. Ha cominiziato, una guerra mediatica contro intenso di energia rinnovabile. Rapidamente PAPO sarà il beniamino di tutti i media del mondo. Oltre a pagare una fortuna per la pubblicità, dare via le automobili con un alto consumo di benzina a migliaia di giornalisti. Le società automobilistica degli Stati Uniti, ha espresso la sua gratitudine per forever.
The academy welcomes exiles environmental
. The academies
language of all languages, coined the new term of exile or environmental refugees. Name given to the millions of displaced flood submerged or products from the tsunami countries, starting in 2011. Country rented laptop or a country, is another concept associated with countries that have to rent land in order to move with his people, temporarily or permanently. The academies also wants to consolidate other concepts, for example, is not the same as pets in the West, in Asia have pets for haute cuisine.
hunt penguins. The Nipponese
begin to consider that for the imminent end of whales and dolphins to make their sushi, the penguins could be another option. The first Japanese ships will be at the South Pole The Boat by Paul Watson, Sea Sheppherd Conservation Society, mysteriously crashed in the Pacific. And in that same mystery, Greenpeace boats. Birth of a new scientific organization in the country to "study" this species interesting: Penguins in sushi.
End of obesity and overweight.
Given the growing lack of food in the world, enters Humana and from 2011 on a diet "balanced well water and little grains of rice or some faggoli. The United Nations study the possibility a resolution to eat only once a day. Except, of course, in developed countries, keeping them on their three meals with snacks. They are also considering not be so hard on the theme of cannibalism in Africa. Yet one of the country experts in genocide of the continent, killing more people decide not useless. It is expected that as the global leader in the market for the sale of kidneys. The mafia in Kosovo, to worry a lot with the unexpected commercial rival. The fat in 2011, entered the countdown and have their days numbered.
Accelerate preparations for the journey to Mars
pollution has started to produce so many destructive weather phenomena, who managed to agree on the developed countries, not to stay permanently environmental degradation, but to share on Mars. They conclude that 'AND' cheaper, the migration to decontaminate the planet. " So began the race to see who comes first and take the best land. An Arab prince and one of the English nobility, liderono interplanetary project. The mission is called the Avatar II.
FIFA put the eye to the Amazon
The International Federation of Football, will be seriously considering buying the party `s Amazonia, which is cut down and make those large territories, hundreds of mega fields, the house of the future world championships. They see a great business in these new deserts. In addition, there are those who think that there could be another increase camels instead.
Environmentalists will be formally declared terrorists urban
. Environmentalists
underground passage. polluting nations, decided to act and everyone who gets to protest to defend the environment, receive prison or under, where the protest, flogging or stoning. Razisti radical groups, "white collar", neo-Nazis, etc.., Since the flow of immigrants, refugees and displaced persons, which have been put in their respective countries is immense, and so fight or beat people, it is worth too much effort, will be the necesittà to change le loro abitudini e ora ritrovo ambientalisti o ecologisti. E buona fortuna a loro circa sponsorizzazione o il loro finanziamento nazionale e internazionale.
Fine delle ideologie del XVIII secolo, IXX e XX
dibattito bizantino era finita se sei di sinistra o destra. L’idei nazionalista militare, sopravvivere. capitalismo di Stato in tutte le sue versioni sarà il modello prevalente. Rafforzerà l'ideologia ambientale. Anche nuovi modi di pensare, come l'ideologia della semplicità, gli americani hanno chiamato Twitter ideologia. Ma non prospererà a lungo, come Bill Gates, come al solito, ha acquistato i diritti.
Nascita di un nuovo paese, Plastilandia
And drown some islands in the Pacific, the products of increased water levels due to melting of the Arctic. Other countries "emerge." Such is the case, Plastilandia, floating territory because of the many square miles of plastic on the surface of the oceans. Already some scientists and entrepreneurs, are considering residential use to provide a platform that great navigator. The only thing missing to solve, how to find later, because, as would be floating in the sea, it would be difficult to locate in a specific place in the world maps.
By: Lenin Cardozo / Joseph Forgione


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