scommesse of Mezza verità: Obama and Chavez
I disastri visibile che vengono, le alterazioni dei prodotti oggi soffre il mondo a causa del cambiamento climatico, infine, ha superato le barriere ideologiche.
Obama ha consultato i suoi consiglieri e approvato, calling Chavez and asked him to join together so that saved America. Chavez, in turn, consulted his advisers and decided to accept, as long as Cuba was lifted the blockade, and incorporate Guantanamo returned to Fidel in the continental saving equipment. For an overriding interest, the U.S. Senate voted unanimously requests proposed by the Bolivarian president. And consequently, the agreement was signed not more intervention in Latin American territory. And sisters, set to work to defend what was coming.
The first meeting to assess the environmental contingencies that may occur at any time, was held at the Government Palace in Havana da Fidel era un po 'fragile e non ha preferito recarsi a Washington. Per gli impianti logistici Obama ha preso la residenza a L'Avana, per un'intera settimana e l'altro, ho fatto qualche riposare e godere delle famose spiagge dei Caraibi. Il mondo è stato accolto con favore tale gesto.
In tale riunione, hanno discusso questioni strategiche per affrontare il cambiamento climatico, i suoi effetti e delle misure per ridurre le emissioni di gas serra in America. Tutti hanno convenuto che il continente sta subendo forti tempeste che hanno causato grandi catastrofi impressionante. Stati Uniti, Guatemala, Messico, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Colombia, Brasile e Venezuela, sono stati vittime delle tempeste che passa sproporzionato piogge and strong winds. Victims, thousands of displaced people, destruction, flooding and extensive damage has been part of the consequences. America also agreed that if I was going to accept checks at specific times to reduce emissions and ensure the use of clean technologies in a fair and responsible.
While all these discussions went on, the Clintons took the opportunity to meet in Havana. It was like a second honeymoon. Hilary term to forgive Bill, and have been happy agarraditos walking hand in hand along the beach of Varadero.
As Chavez was to resolve some problems with U.S. investors who wanted to move their companies to Venezuela, Obama dato istruzioni che ha ospitato presso la stessa Casa Bianca, ed è per questo che Chavez ha inviato i suoi affari dalla scrivania, dove Obama ha lavorato, come era a Washington. La comunità internazionale è stata nuovamente modo molto positivo che Obama gesto.
Chávez, in quei giorni ha ricevuto anche la visita del presidente iraniano torna a Washington, con il consenso del corso il presidente Obama. Visitato anche il presidente bolivariano, su a nord, Evo, Correa e Ortega, e lo ha ringraziato vivamente che Chavez ha dato tour delle varie sale della Casa Bianca. Avevano sempre voluto visitare questo edificio storico, ma mai invitato.
Gli effetti del cambiamento climatico, la conclusione è unanime: fino ad ora, the Americas seemed to be less vulnerable than other regions of the world, such as some Pacific Islands, Vietnam or Bangladesh. However, one of the main reasons that led to a change in estimates is the melting of ice at the poles because the increase was occurring in the range of sea level rise, alarming Panel on Climate Change South America and North America are increasingly concerned about the potential consequences of this devastating phenomenon and that, according to the latest estimates will be higher than previously thought. Therefore, the sea level could rise by a meter or more, although able to maintain low emissions of polluting gases in the world and exchange irreversibly geography of the coastal areas of America.
Some parts of the Caribbean, Mexico and Ecuador are the areas considered most at risk as New York and parts of Florida, USA. For example, a rise of one meter could cause flooding in a coastal area of \u200b\u200bGuyana, which is 70% of the population and 40% of agricultural land. This would result in a massive reorganization of the U.S. economy. Experts have expressed concern about the impact this may have on flood-prone coasts of the Gulf of Mexico.
Finally, a study of the coastal cities of the world, said that in the majority of Caribbean States, 50% of the population living within a radius of two kilometers from the coast. The population of this region will be directly affected by the levels of seas and other effects of climate change. According to the World Bank 's, Guyana Bahamas, Belize and Jamaica are the most exposed to danger if the oceans rise by a level meter. However, this increase would trigger a disaster for parts of Florida, particularly in the southern state. In addition, the coastal plains around the city of Guayaquil, Ecuador, would be vulnerable to a combination of rising sea levels, storms and turbulence.
Let us therefore give thanks to life, because finally, we arrived in America decide to save nature!
Note: ". Mezze verità" Questo articolo è collana incorniciata in an editorial, denominated Che looks curiosity informs numerosi problemi i lettori Ambientali che nel suo mondo if verificano. A indomabile curiosità, agradecimeinto mine forever. Da
: Lenin Cardozo / Joseph Forgione
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