the cell to defend against the aggressor and put pedophiles in jail. I did a little girl just turned 14 years old, who managed to secretly record his phone with the
and violence that the man, a family friend who abused her since she was 9 years old. The news was released today by anxiety.
The tenacity of the little girl, so that he decided 'to give evidence to investigators of the terrible violence inflicted on her skin, allowed the first judges to stop the pedophile and then sentenced to 8 years and 4 months imprisonment, expedited.
and violence that the man, a family friend who abused her since she was 9 years old. The news was released today by anxiety.
The tenacity of the little girl, so that he decided 'to give evidence to investigators of the terrible violence inflicted on her skin, allowed the first judges to stop the pedophile and then sentenced to 8 years and 4 months imprisonment, expedited.
The sentence 'was issued today by the preliminary hearing judge in Milan Luigi Varanelli, at the conclusion of the investigation coordinated by Giancarla pm Serafini. The girl, who lives in a town outside Milan, at the beginning of last year had seen a television broadcasting service of 'Reservoir Dogs' which reported the story of a child victim of sexual abuse.
In the small service invited other children to sue and not to remain silent. Driven by those words, the girl began to talk about his dramatic story. First with his classmates during a school trip in April. They had described what he had seen on television, adding that the violence was making the same a friend of hers. In fact he was telling his story. Shortly after she had confided in a teacher and then with his parents, who had told her not to meet once more the man of 60 years, who had previously had a relationship with the child's mother.
The girl, however 'had not paid attention to presenting themselves and in their parents' attorney to file a complaint (May 5 last year), had gone to the appointment (May 1) that the man had given and had filmed the violence once again. This time, however, 'left his face in the pictures taken come prova inconfutabile. Dopo la denuncia in Procura, il pm aveva disposto una perquisizione a casa dell'uomo. Erano stati trovati una serie di oggetti erotici utilizzati dal pedofilo per violentare la bambina per anni, dal 2006 in poi, oltre ad alcuni bastoni e coltelli con i quali la minacciava di non dire niente. Il 22 giugno scorso, infine, l'uomo era finito in carcere, dove è tuttora detenuto, condannato per violenza sessuale aggravata.
La ragazzina, parte civile nel processo, ha raccontato ai magistrati che a darle il coraggio di denunciare non è stato soltanto il servizio de 'Le Iene', ma anche il fatto che l'uomo avesse già messo gli occhi addosso a un'altra child.
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