Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Benefits Of Wearing A Girdle

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I divi di nuovo in primo piano per la difesa dei diritti umani. Questa volta tocca all'attore George Clooney , che lancia oggi insieme all' Onu
, all'UniversitĂ  di
Harvard e a Google un progetto per vigilare attraverso i satelliti sulle possibili violazioni dei diritti umani in Sudan. Lo ha reso noto lo stesso Clooney con un articolo sul settimanale Time e riportato anche dall' Ansa . Il Satellite Sentinel Project, which runs today through commercial satellites will photograph any evidence of violence such as burning villages and large crowds of people fleeing. Data will be collected and analyzed by the United Nations and Harvard University.
Google and other internet companies, Trellon will provide a site to make information public. The project is the brainchild of Clooney and is funded by "Not On Our Watch

" (not under our eyes), an organization formed to help Darfur by the plaintiff and colleagues Brad Pitt, Matt Damon and Don Cheadle. Clooney told Time that he proposed the idea three months ago, when he was in Sudan to meet with civil war refugees.
The star has called the project "anti-paparazzi genocide." "We want potential perpetrators of genocide and other war crimes know that they are looking at, that the world is watching them," Clooney wrote.
January 9 will be held in southern Sudan a referendum on the region, the Agreements of 2005 that ended the civil war between north and south. Predictions say that the people of the south (oil rich) will vote en masse for independence. Approach of the vote in the country have increased the violence.


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